Which one is correct?
"concede" or "make concessions"?

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This phrase is correct and commonly used in English, especially to admit defeat or acknowledge a point.

This phrase means to admit that something is true after first denying or resisting it. It can also mean to surrender or yield in a competition or argument.


  • He finally conceded that he was wrong.
  • She conceded defeat after realizing she couldn't win.
  • The team conceded three goals in the first half.
  • I had to concede that she was right all along.
  • The politician conceded the election to his opponent.


  • admit
  • acknowledge
  • surrender
  • yield
  • give in

make concessions

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English, especially in negotiations or arguments.

This phrase is used when someone is willing to give up something in a negotiation or argument to reach an agreement or compromise.


  • During the negotiation, both parties had to make concessions to reach a deal.
  • She was not willing to make any concessions in the argument.
  • The company made concessions to meet the demands of the workers.
  • It's important to be prepared to make concessions in a negotiation.
  • He refused to make any concessions, leading to a stalemate.


  • offer concessions
  • grant concessions
  • give in
  • compromise
  • yield
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and usage. 'Make concessions' is used when someone is willing to give up something in a negotiation or argument, while 'concede' means to admit defeat or acknowledge a point. They are not directly comparable as they serve different purposes.

Last Updated: March 27, 2024

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