Which one is correct?
"make an opportunity" or "create an opportunity"?

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make an opportunity

More popular!

4,420,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Even if it doesn't change at all I think I can at least make an opportunity out of it.
  • What I want is to make this an opportunity for you.
  • We must make these differences an opportunity to reassure European citizens, who are worried.
  • If you will allow me, I would like to use the speech I am to make next as an opportunity formally to welcome our colleagues.
  • I just wanted to make sure I had an opportunity to congratulate you, you know, personally.
  • You wanted to make partner, an unreal opportunity.
  • It will also provide an opportunity to make an ambitious EU contribution to the forthcoming UN High-Level MDG Review in September.
  • You had an opportunity to make an exchange, and you didn't do it.
  • This convergence between the three institutions follows from a sense of a shared vision and commitment to which the European Parliament has an opportunity to make an important contribution in its vote tomorrow.
  • We must make use of that opportunity and make an impression on this incredibly important directive.
  • The new regulation is an opportunity to make the functioning rules of Cedefop more clear and transparent.
  • We have an opportunity to make it even bigger.
  • I'll give you an opportunity to make arrangements with your team.
  • When prohibition goes into effect, Rothstein sees an opportunity to make a fortune.
  • This is an opportunity to make a connection.
  • We finally get an opportunity to make some improvements around here and...
  • We're going to give you an opportunity to make a really good decision.
  • We realized we had an opportunity to make things right.
  • Intelligence is always trumped by an opportunity to make the front page.
  • The establishment of a new administration in Taipei has offered an opportunity to make progress in this area.

create an opportunity

3,280,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • I sought to create an opportunity.
  • The people of New Ulm are hardworking and they could create an opportunity that we should take advantage of.
  • If I leave my post, I create an opportunity for theft.
  • Yes, if we do not say at the same time that solidarity forces us to create an opportunity to protect the euro with eurobonds to invest, to continue to make the ecological and economic transformation.
  • The availability of fuels with a maximum sulphur content of 10 mg/kg (ppm) will create an opportunity for lowering CO 2 emissions further.
  • Could Turkey's accession create an opportunity for states in North Africa and Transcaucasia?
  • This would also create an opportunity to strengthen professional players' social rights which are not ensured in all Member States (retirement, unemployment, sick leave...).
  • I would therefore ask you to add this item to the transatlantic agenda and create an opportunity for this Parliament to discuss this matter with High Representative Solana.
  • If we forget the past, of course, we create an opportunity for it to return through the back door in the future.
  • This would also create an opportunity for the developing countries to demonstrate, through their growth, that they are a purchasing force on the global market due to their having an enormous need for food.
  • I hope that will create an opportunity to bring the two sides, on either side of the Atlantic - the old world and the new world - together to resolve trade differences to the mutual benefit of our citizens and our economies.
  • As soon as the will of the people is respected - and it will be, of that I have no doubt - what has happened in Serbia will create an opportunity for real, lasting peace in the Balkans.
  • It would be much more sensible to subsidise innovative projects in this field, to give more intensive support to research and development and in this way to create an opportunity for genuine future markets in shipbuilding.
  • Did you set up Drew to create an opportunity for us to take over Elena's shares?
  • This summit should focus on how we achieve a common regulatory framework in a common timescale so that we do not create an opportunity for competitive advantage by individual nations or regulatory arbitrage opportunity for speculative trading.
  • Madam President, what we lack is a separate Article on tourism in the because we urgently need a new European policy for tourism as such, but to create an opportunity for greater consistency in policies on tourism.
  • Used correctly, it will make flying safer and also create an opportunity to deal with some of the constantly recurring delays we have to live with at present.
A complete search of the internet has found that "make an opportunity" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last Updated: September 13, 2016

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