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magnify the losses vs increase the losses

Both phrases are correct, but they convey slightly different meanings. 'Magnify the losses' implies making the losses appear larger or more significant, while 'increase the losses' simply means to make the losses greater in quantity or amount. The choice between the two depends on the specific emphasis the speaker wants to convey.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1030 views

magnify the losses

This phrase is correct and commonly used to imply making the losses appear larger or more significant.

This phrase is used when you want to emphasize the impact or significance of the losses, making them seem more severe or substantial.


  • The company's poor decisions only served to magnify the losses.
  • The economic downturn will magnify the losses for many businesses.
  • Leverage magnifies profit when things work and magnifies losses when they don't.
  • It draws in dark energy, and magnifies the power of evil.
  • Those assumptions are exaggerated in order to magnify the amount of the alleged advantage granted to Ryanair.
  • Now this painting magnifies the worldliness of two young men in... pursuit of life.
  • I was able to magnify the footage.
  • We can use it to magnify the electrical charge.
  • No. Hitler's bunker will magnify the blast.
  • My soul doth magnify the Lord!
  • They can serve to magnify the significance of some trivial step forward, exaggerate the seeming importance of some massive setback.
  • The Phantom magnifies the echo, making us appear any size we want.
  • Garcia, can you magnify the wall behind her?
  • Can you magnify the bottom of the page?
  • Can you magnify the bottom of the page?
  • In particular, they shall not artificially magnify the importance of the final performance of the UCITS.
  • We magnify the drag, decrease the velocity, minimize the force, and decelerate...
  • Once we play that note and magnify the motions 250 times, we can very clearly see how the glass vibrates and resonates in response to the sound.
  • It magnifies the us-versus-them aspect of it.
  • Of course, a government can also close a budget gap by raising taxes, but any sudden shift can significantly magnify the distortions that taxes cause.
  • And sometimes the losses can feel overwhelming.
  • Insurance companies operating in Japan repaid some of the losses.


  • exaggerate the losses
  • amplify the losses
  • inflate the losses
  • intensify the losses
  • heighten the losses

increase the losses

This phrase is correct and commonly used to mean making the losses greater in quantity or amount.

This phrase is used when you want to simply state that the losses are being made larger or more numerous.


  • The decision to expand the project will only increase the losses.
  • Failure to act promptly will increase the losses.
  • The Commission learnt from the German submission to the opening that additional investment costs of EUR [...] were incurred in 2005, which further increase the cash-flow losses.
  • Finally, the risk costs of EUR [...] (as calculated by Germany) increase the cash-flow losses to EUR [...] for the southern runway with DHL.
  • On selling its subsidiaries, Litostroj Power (Energy Division) and Cimos Titan (Machine Division) Cimos recognized a loss on disposal of EUR 20 million, which increases the accumulated losses described in recital 61.
  • This results in a significant increase of the number of losses (in particular car accidents) that are relatively small and therefore not covered by reinsurance.
  • The Union industry was loss making during the overall injury investigation period, and the above trend shows an overall increase of the level of losses.
  • This would reduce capacity utilisation and increase losses.
  • The Union industry would be forced to match the lower price levels and thereby increase its losses.
  • To accept the principle of liberalization, as set out in this report, would only increase job losses.
  • Implementation of the EPA and reforms can only work properly if the EPA is accompanied by considerable Aid for Trade (AfT) packages to make up for net customs losses and increase the economic activity in the CARIFORUM states.
  • The level of stocks of the sampled Union producers increased by 27 % during the period considered; their increase coincided with losses in market share.
  • The dramatic worsening in its financial situation during this period is for instance evidenced by an increase of its losses by 7 percentage points.
  • Increase of losses mainly due to significant increase of expenses for events ('Aufwendungen für Veranstaltungen') from EUR 21,2 million in 2005 to EUR 44,0 million in 2006.
  • As the forecast horizon increases, the availability of detailed information decreases and the degree of judgement required to estimate expected credit losses increases.
  • These losses may increase in the future due to new collection methods and storage bags, which both generate higher pH values at the end of the shelf life.
  • Further and in any event, no evidence was produced to the effect that transport costs in Scotland have increased in recent years, and therefore, higher transport costs could not explain the recent increase in financial losses suffered by the Community producers.
  • Compensation for losses arising from FMD should as a general rule cover less than 100% of the losses, in order to increase the incentive to comply with the necessary biosecurity rules on farms.
  • If the losses incurred or expected to be incurred from the close-out of derivatives exceed the share of the corresponding liabilities that would be effectively available for bail-in, the excess loss may increase the burden of bail-in for other creditors of the institution under resolution.
  • This capital increase was subsequently partially (EUR 31,5 million) used to cover the losses registered by SACE BT in 2009.
  • Managing these areas and collecting materials that increase the risk of forest fires reduces economic losses.
  • These cost increases could not be fully passed on to customers on the Union market, causing the losses in the IP.


  • boost the losses
  • raise the losses
  • escalate the losses
  • augment the losses
  • heighten the losses

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