Which is correct:
"lost my lunch" or "missed my lunch"?

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lost my lunch

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that someone has vomited or thrown up their meal.

This phrase is used informally to describe the act of vomiting or throwing up food. It is not used to indicate missing a meal.


  • I ate something bad and almost lost my lunch.
  • The roller coaster was so intense that I thought I would lose my lunch.
  • She felt sick and ended up losing her lunch.
  • The smell was so awful that I almost lost my lunch.
  • He lost his lunch after the bumpy car ride.


  • vomited my lunch
  • threw up my lunch
  • got sick after eating
  • felt nauseous after the meal
  • had food poisoning

missed my lunch

This phrase is correct and commonly used to indicate that someone did not have the opportunity to eat their meal.

This phrase is used to express that someone was unable to eat their meal due to various reasons such as being busy or forgetting.


  • I was so busy at work that I missed my lunch.
  • She got caught up in a meeting and missed her lunch.
  • I overslept and missed my lunchtime.
  • He missed his lunch because he was stuck in traffic.
  • They closed the cafeteria early, so I missed my lunch.


  • skipped my lunch
  • didn't have lunch
  • didn't eat lunch
  • forgot to eat lunch
  • was unable to have lunch
Both phrases are correct, but they have different meanings and contexts. 'Lost my lunch' implies that someone has vomited or thrown up their meal, while 'missed my lunch' means that someone did not have the opportunity to eat their meal. They are not interchangeable as they convey different situations.

Last updated: March 22, 2024

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