Looking good or looks good ?

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Looking good

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to ongoing actions or states.

Use 'looking good' when you want to comment on someone's appearance or the progress of something that is still ongoing.


  • You're looking good in that outfit!
  • The project is looking good so far.


  • You look good
  • The project looks promising

looks good

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe the current appearance or condition of something.

Use 'looks good' when you want to express that something appears to be in good condition or is visually appealing at the moment.


  • The cake looks good.
  • The plan looks good for tomorrow.


  • It looks good
  • Seems good
Both 'looking good' and 'looks good' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Looking good' is used when referring to ongoing actions or states, while 'looks good' is used to describe the current appearance or condition of something.

Last updated: March 29, 2024

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