Which is correct:
"look bloated " or "look ballooned up"?

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look bloated

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe someone who appears swollen or puffy, often due to overeating or water retention.


  • After eating too much junk food, I always look bloated.
  • She felt uncomfortable because she looked bloated in her tight dress.
  • His face looked bloated after a night of heavy drinking.
  • I hate how I look bloated in photos.
  • The heat made her face look bloated.


  • appear swollen
  • seem puffy
  • look puffed up
  • appear inflated
  • seem distended

look ballooned up

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase can also be used to describe someone who appears swollen or puffy, similar to 'look bloated'.


  • After eating too much salty food, my fingers look ballooned up.
  • Her face looked ballooned up after the allergic reaction.
  • His cheeks looked ballooned up after the dental surgery.
  • I don't like how my stomach looks ballooned up in this outfit.
  • The mosquito bite made my arm look ballooned up.


  • look swollen
  • appear puffy
  • seem inflated
  • look distended
  • seem bloated
Both phrases are correct, but 'look bloated' is more commonly used and sounds more natural in English. 'Look ballooned up' is less common and may sound a bit awkward.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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