Which one is correct?
"locally supplied" or "locally procured"?

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locally supplied

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to goods or services provided from local sources.

This phrase is used to describe goods or services that are sourced or obtained locally, emphasizing the origin of the products or services.


  • The restaurant prides itself on using locally supplied ingredients in all its dishes.
  • The company aims to support the community by using locally supplied materials for its products.
  • The event organizers prefer locally supplied decorations to promote local businesses.
  • The hotel only serves locally supplied produce in its restaurant.
  • The store focuses on selling products that are locally supplied to reduce carbon footprint.


  • locally sourced
  • locally obtained
  • locally sourced
  • locally provided
  • locally sourced

locally procured

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English when referring to the act of obtaining something locally.

This phrase is used to describe the action of acquiring or obtaining something from local sources or within a specific region.


  • The restaurant locally procures fresh vegetables from nearby farms.
  • The company has a policy of locally procuring raw materials to support local businesses.
  • The event planners prioritize locally procured decorations to showcase local craftsmanship.
  • The hotel prides itself on locally procured ingredients for its menu.
  • The store focuses on locally procured products to promote sustainability.


  • locally obtained
  • locally acquired
  • locally sourced
  • locally purchased
  • locally gathered
Both 'locally supplied' and 'locally procured' are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'Locally supplied' is used when referring to goods or services that are provided from local sources, while 'locally procured' is used when talking about the act of obtaining something locally.

Last Updated: March 25, 2024

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