Which is correct:
"living up in the sky" or "living in the sky"?

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living up in the sky

This phrase is correct and can be used to emphasize the height or elevation of the living space.

This phrase is used to convey the idea of living at a high altitude, often to emphasize the grandeur or wonder of the location.


  • Their penthouse apartment is like living up in the sky with panoramic views of the city.
  • The astronauts on the space station are truly living up in the sky.
  • Living up in the sky in a hot air balloon offers a unique perspective on the world.
  • The mountain lodge feels like living up in the sky, surrounded by peaks and clouds.
  • The eagle's nest is a perfect example of living up in the sky.


  • living in the clouds
  • living at a high altitude
  • living in a lofty abode
  • living in an elevated location
  • living in a sky-high residence

living in the sky

This phrase is correct and commonly used to describe living high above the ground, such as in a skyscraper or an airplane.

This phrase is used to describe living at a high elevation, often in a building or vehicle that is above the ground level.


  • She enjoys living in the sky in her penthouse apartment on the 50th floor.
  • The pilot and crew spend most of their time living in the sky.
  • Living in the sky in a luxury jet is a unique experience.
  • The view from their apartment makes it feel like they are living in the sky.
  • Living in the sky can offer breathtaking views of the city below.


  • living high above the ground
  • living in a high-rise building
  • living in an aerial residence
  • living in an elevated location
  • living in a lofty abode
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Living in the sky' is the more common and natural way to express the idea of residing high above the ground, such as in a skyscraper or an airplane. On the other hand, 'living up in the sky' can be used to emphasize the height or elevation of the living space, adding a sense of grandeur or wonder.

Last updated: March 30, 2024

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