link in the description or link in description?

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link in the description

This phrase is correct.

"Link in the description" is a phrase that is telling you there is a connection or website placed in the information section. You can click on this link to go straight to a specific web page or site.

Some examples from our editors:

  • To learn more about our non-profit's mission, you can find the link in the description below.
  • If you enjoyed my latest video, I've put the artist's Soundcloud link in the description.
  • Want to try this recipe at home? Find all the ingredients I used via the link in the description.
  • I think we need to include a link in the description, so users can directly access that web page.
  • The link in the description will direct you to the donation page.
  • If you are interested in purchasing this book, simply click the Amazon link in the description below.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • The hyperlink in the details section.
  • The connection included in the description.
  • The URL provided in the outline below.
  • The connection provided in the text below
  • The attached link included in the descriptive section

link in description

This phrase is correct.

"Link in description" is a short way of telling you there's a connection or website listed somewhere else for more information. It's often used in videos or posts to lead you to more details or fun stuff.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • The hyperlink the summary
  • The URL provided in the details
  • The relevant link in the information section
  • The link included with the details
  • The attached link included in the descriptive section
The word "description" is a specific place, so you need the word "the".
Jennifer profile picture

Explained by Jennifer
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: July 18, 2023

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