lets meet or Meet up today?

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lets meet

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to suggest meeting someone in person.

This phrase is a casual and friendly way to propose a meeting with someone. It is often used in informal settings among friends or colleagues.


  • Hey, let's meet for coffee tomorrow.
  • Let's meet at the park this afternoon.
  • I haven't seen you in a while, let's meet up soon.
  • Let's meet for lunch and catch up.
  • Let's meet at the library to study together.


  • Shall we meet?
  • How about meeting up?
  • Would you like to meet?
  • Let's get together.
  • Let's have a meeting.

Meet up today

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to suggest meeting someone on the same day.

This phrase is more specific than 'let's meet' as it includes the time frame 'today'. It is often used when making last-minute plans or when there is a sense of urgency to meet.


  • Let's meet up today for a quick chat.
  • I'm free this evening, want to meet up today?
  • Can we meet up today to discuss the project?
  • Let's meet up today and finalize the details.
  • I'll be in town, let's meet up today for dinner.


  • Let's meet today.
  • Shall we meet up today?
  • How about meeting today?
  • Can we meet today?
  • Let's get together today.
Both phrases are correct and commonly used in English. They convey the same idea of arranging to see someone in person. 'Let's meet' is a suggestion to get together, while 'meet up today' specifies the time frame for the meeting. The choice between the two depends on personal preference and the level of formality desired.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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