Which one is correct?
"let go of my idol" or "let my idol go"?

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let go of my idol

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to express the action of releasing or giving up possession of something or someone that you hold dear or admire.


  • I need to let go of my idol and move on with my life.
  • It's hard to let go of my idol, but it's necessary for my growth.
  • She finally decided to let go of her idol and focus on her own goals.
  • Letting go of my idol was a difficult but necessary step for me.
  • He couldn't bring himself to let go of his idol, even though it was causing him pain.


  • Release my idol
  • Give up my idol
  • Surrender my idol
  • Relinquish my idol
  • Abandon my idol

let my idol go

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when you want to express the action of allowing your idol to leave or be free, rather than holding onto them.


  • I need to let my idol go and pursue my own dreams.
  • It's time to let my idol go and let them find their own path.
  • She decided to let her idol go and support them from a distance.
  • Letting my idol go was the best decision for both of us.
  • He finally found the strength to let his idol go and find happiness on their own.


  • Set my idol free
  • Allow my idol to leave
  • Release my idol from my grasp
  • Grant freedom to my idol
  • Permit my idol to go
Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'Let go of my idol' implies releasing or giving up possession of the idol, while 'Let my idol go' implies allowing the idol to leave or be free. The choice between the two depends on the intended meaning in the context.

Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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