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kindly provide the draft copy of the BL once available vs kindly provide draft copy of the BL once available

Both phrases are correct, but the first one includes the article 'the' before 'draft copy,' while the second one does not. The choice between using the article or not depends on the specific context and personal preference.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 2446 views

kindly provide the draft copy of the BL once available

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific draft copy of a document. The use of the definite article 'the' indicates a particular draft copy.


  • Kindly provide the draft copy of the business letter once available.
  • Please send me the draft copy of the report when it's ready.
  • In the draft copy of the United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, - it states, very clearly, that we must reduce human population from - it's current level of ~6 billion people down to ~1 billion people.
  • Please kindly provide the information as already requested in the questionnaire, in any event at least those where the GOC has direct or indirect shareholdership.
  • Can the Commission kindly provide a copy of the recent ECJ ruling on discriminatory administration of planning law?
  • At least where no right of withdrawal exists, the creditor or, where applicable, the credit intermediary or appointed representative should provide the consumer with a copy of the draft credit agreement, at the time of the provision of an offer binding on the creditor.
  • a copy of the draft agreements;
  • Attach a copy of the draft agreements if available or describe their content.
  • It shall provide the applicant with a copy of its recommendation.
  • HRE will provide the Trustee, on request, with copies of documents.
  • A copy of the draft negotiation guidelines has been shared with the European Parliament, subject to appropriate rules for handling confidential documents.
  • The Committee would also like to receive a copy of the periodic reports provided for under the draft directive.
  • 4.1 The Committee would also like to receive a copy of the periodic reports provided for under the draft directive.
  • The obligations under paragraph 1 may also be discharged by providing a copy of the draft framework contract including the information and conditions specified in Article 52.
  • The obligations under paragraph 1 may also be discharged by supplying a copy of the draft framework contract including the information and conditions specified in Article 42.
  • It is not necessary to provide a copy of the draft regulatory measure or to attach any other document to the short notification form.
  • draft copies of the river basin management plan, at least one year before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers.
  • (c) draft copies of the river basin management plan, at least one year before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers.
  • Member States shall provide the Commission with copies of the national communications and biennial reports submitted to the UNFCCC Secretariat.
  • The scientific observers shall provide the masters concerned with a copy of their reports, if they so wish.
  • The Commission shall provide the Member State with a copy of any report produced as a result of the monitoring visit.
  • The Commission may also provide the complainant with a copy of the non-confidential version of the statement of objections.


  • kindly provide a draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide that draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide this draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide your draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide our draft copy of the bl once available

kindly provide draft copy of the BL once available

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to any draft copy of a document without specifying a particular one. The absence of the definite article 'the' makes it more general.


  • Kindly provide draft copy of the business letter once available.
  • Please send me draft copy of the report when it's ready.
  • Can the Commission kindly provide a copy of the recent ECJ ruling on discriminatory administration of planning law?
  • In the draft copy of the United Nations Global Biodiversity Assessment, - it states, very clearly, that we must reduce human population from - it's current level of ~6 billion people down to ~1 billion people.
  • draft copies of the river basin management plan, at least one year before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers.
  • (c) draft copies of the river basin management plan, at least one year before the beginning of the period to which the plan refers.
  • Please kindly provide the information as already requested in the questionnaire, in any event at least those where the GOC has direct or indirect shareholdership.
  • With reference to the answer to Written Question P-5036/2010, will the Commission kindly provide me with a copy of the UK Government's Convergence Programme, as submitted to the Commission by email on 29 January 2010?
  • And he knew that when he took my daughter underneath the bl...
  • I ask that you kindly provide a single example that shows what new contribution this accession will make to the citizens of Europe in terms of protecting their human rights.
  • Would the Commission kindly provide similar information in relation to the attendance of Commissioners Almunia and de Gucht?
  • Would the Commission kindly provide a list of all the 'Lisbon' directives.
  • If so, would the Commission kindly provide a summary of the Member States where such legislation exists, and details of the minimum separation as it stands in these countries?
  • Would the Commission kindly provide a list of all the 'Environment' directives which came into force in 2004?
  • Once available, this information will be made public.
  • Final reports will be published once available.
  • Other appropriate indicators are currently being developed through scientific research and should be included once available.
  • I would urge you to give this matter very careful consideration when drawing up the timetable for next year. I have a draft copy in various versions and it seems to me that we should be dealing more efficiently and more economically with the time available to us.
  • Information exchange requirements shall use SWIM as specified in Point 5 once available
  • Will the Commission therefore kindly provide details of any study which EuroPol has ever made 'to discover the feasibility of and obstacles to the creation of a federal police force for the EU'?
  • Will the Commission kindly provide a list of the NGOs to which it supplies funding each year and the amounts for each?
  • Get them started buying copies of Psycho.


  • kindly provide a draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide any draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide some draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide your draft copy of the bl once available
  • kindly provide our draft copy of the bl once available

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