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keep silent vs keep silence

Both 'keep silent' and 'keep silence' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Keep silent' is more commonly used to instruct someone to remain quiet or not speak, while 'keep silence' is less common and is often used in a more formal or poetic context.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 3675 views

keep silent

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to instruct someone to remain quiet or not speak.

This phrase is used to tell someone to stay quiet or not make any noise. It is commonly used in everyday language.


  • Please keep silent during the exam.
  • The teacher asked the students to keep silent in the library.
  • I tried to keep silent while the baby was sleeping.
  • It's important to keep silent during the meditation session.
  • The audience was asked to keep silent during the performance.
  • No, he thought, I cannot keep silent.
  • We cannot keep silent and we are calling for a return to constitutional order.
  • We must go, keep silent, come on.
  • You have the right to keep silent.
  • We cannot keep silent in the face of such barbarity as human beings, let alone as politicians.
  • This is no time for men who oppose Senator McCarthy's methods to keep silent, or for those who approve.
  • I even liked it. I think it's good to keep silent for a while.
  • Or maybe you've decided to keep silent
  • I do not mean that we should keep silent, for example, about environmental problems, lack of democracy or human rights violations in Russia.
  • Or maybe you've decided to keep silent so I may dictate my words to you.
  • Although other political forces and the civil society sector had expressed serious concerns regarding the Maltese government's interpretation of the use of this derogation, the European Commission chose, for reasons known only to itself, to keep silent and adopt an ambiguous stance.
  • However, this country cannot make progress along the road to democracy if human rights activists are forced to keep silent when the international media as well highlight violations that have been committed.
  • If you continue to keep silent I can no longer help you
  • We cannot keep silent on the fact that there is no hint of a mention of the Luxembourg Court's decision on the different status given to the PKK on terrorist lists as has been the case to date.
  • Curse me at least, but don't keep silent, Andrei!
  • Because while Siobhan's... Affection for you might be enough to win her cooperation, what's motivating Malcolm to keep silent?
  • If Mariana hasn't the strength to keep silent... about the names... of those involved in the plot a few months ago... if she gives those names, I'll be tortured and sentenced to death.
  • Given that the EU reacted in the former Yugoslavia and in Africa, refusing to be complicit or complacent in the face of violations of humanitarian law, why should it keep silent in the case of Israel?
  • I think you would be wiser to keep silent.
  • Members of the public admitted to the galleries shall remain seated and keep silent.


  • stay quiet
  • be quiet
  • remain silent
  • keep quiet
  • hush

keep silence

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in everyday language. It is often used in more formal or poetic contexts.

This phrase is used to convey the idea of maintaining a state of silence or quietness, often in a more formal or poetic setting.


  • The monastery was filled with the sound of keep silence.
  • In the presence of the king, the courtiers were asked to keep silence.
  • The poet's words urged the audience to keep silence and listen.
  • The keep silence of the night was broken by a distant howl.
  • The keep silence of the forest was interrupted by the chirping of birds.
  • They thus agree to keep silence on the political crimes disguised into heinous crimes.
  • I continue to surprise myself in a discrete difficulty to keep silence whenever necessary, and to observe the correct purpose of words.
  • I prepared myself to keep silence after the negative verdict, which he had publicly announced.
  • The methods to stop it, I keep silence.
  • We will now keep silence in memory of the victims.
  • And your boastful tongue shall keep silence in you.
  • Being bullied by them like this, I can no longer keep silence.
  • The apostle calls the women to keep silence in the church.
  • We will now keep silence in memory of the murdered police officer.
  • Like the words of the beloved Psalm: "I keep silence, I speak no more, since You yourself have been at work" (Psalms 39, 9).
  • It must give attention to those who are persecuted for political reasons, many of them arrested and detained without any safeguards against the abominable practice of torture, and in some cases made to disappear while their relatives grieve and the authorities keep silence.
  • But the LORD is in his holy temple: let all the earth keep silence before him.
  • a time to keep silence, and a time to speak, a time to love and a time to hate,
  • Note: The words 'in the Church' are from 1 Cor. 14:34, "Let women keep silence in the churches."
  • 7 A time to rend, and a time to sew; A time to keep silence, and a time to speak;
  • When we read the Scriptures in the morning or when we keep silence, are we listening to something more than we have inside us or are we listening only to ourselves?
  • Keep silence with me for a minute, won't you?
  • You must keep silence.
  • Do not try to impose your opinions, expound with humility your reasons when you deem opportune, and keep silence when respect and reverence indicate it.
  • 1 Keep silence before me, O islands; and let the peoples renew their strength: let them come near; then let them speak; let us come near together to judgment.


  • maintain silence
  • observe silence
  • preserve quietness
  • maintain quiet
  • observe quietness

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