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Jet lagged vs Jet legged

The correct phrase is "jet lagged." It is a commonly used term to describe the feeling of tiredness and confusion that people experience after a long flight across different time zones. "Jet legged" is not a standard or recognized term in English.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1133 views

Jet lagged

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use "jet lagged" to describe the feeling of tiredness and confusion that occurs after a long flight across different time zones.


  • I always feel jet lagged after a long-haul flight.
  • She was jet lagged for days after traveling to Europe.
  • The team struggled with jet lagged players after the international tournament.
  • Jet lagged passengers often have trouble adjusting to the new time zone.
  • The effects of being jet lagged can vary from person to person.
  • I'm just a little jet lagged.
  • She was jet-lagged, and he was quite fussy.
  • I'm still kind of jet-lagged.
  • I'm jet-lagged and I don't want to fall asleep.
  • So, anyhow, I am super jet-lagged and not too used to wearing shoes.
  • You just flew all the way from Greece, and your emotions are jet-lagged.
  • I feel kind of weird, like I'm jet-lagged or something.
  • He vaguely remembers meeting you, but he was jet-lagged.
  • Cause I'm way too jet-lagged to deal with any of that right now.
  • That's just a bad joke 'cause I'm jet-lagged.
  • Listen, I'm a little bit jet-lagged.
  • I'm jet-lagged. It's the last time I take the red-eye.
  • It was a long flight. I'm just feeling a little jet-lagged.
  • You'll excuse me if I'm a little jet-lagged.
  • I said, how are you? Jet-lagged. Thank you.
  • I am really jet-lagged right now.
  • I'm sure Lee Lay's really jet-lagged out.
  • I got really drunk, and I was jet-lagged, and I ended up passing out in the sauna.
  • He's erm... he's jet-lagged.
  • I mean, I'm a bit jet-lagged, but I'm all right.

Jet legged

This phrase is not a standard or recognized term in English.

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