it is not yet clear or it is not still clear?

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it is not yet clear

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate that something is not currently clear but is expected to become clear in the future.


  • It is not yet clear what the outcome of the meeting will be.
  • The reasons for his absence are not yet clear.
  • The impact of the new policy is not yet clear.
  • The solution to the problem is not yet clear.
  • The timeline for the project is not yet clear.


  • it is still unclear
  • it remains unclear
  • it is not clear yet
  • it is not clear at this point
  • it is not yet known

it is not still clear

This phrase is not correct in English. The word 'still' is not used in this context to convey the intended meaning.

The correct phrase is 'it is not yet clear.' 'Yet' is used to indicate that something is expected to happen or become true in the future. 'Still' is used to show that a situation continues to exist without changing. In this context, 'yet' is the appropriate choice to convey that clarity is expected to come in the future.

Last updated: April 08, 2024

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