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it is considered as a classic vs it is considered a classic

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'It is considered a classic' is more commonly used and considered more natural in English. On the other hand, 'It is considered as a classic' is also grammatically correct but less common.

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1313 views

it is considered as a classic

The phrase is grammatically correct but less common in English.

This phrase is used to express the opinion or judgment that something is seen or regarded as a classic by others.
  • It's called "Abracadabra." And it is considered a modern classic.
  • No, I haven't, because the original one is now considered a classic.
  • It could be considered a classic IUU species, as it attracted much fishing effort that operated outside the regulations of ICCAT, the organisation responsible for managing this fishery.
  • No, I haven't, because the original one is now considered a classic.
  • It is very fashionable at present because it is considered as ideal for skin care.
  • It is considered as a public body in the meaning of Article 1(3) of the basic Regulation.
  • This is included in the adopted texts since it is considered as the door to imposing sanctions and therefore can provide a real incentive to a country to rectify its situation.
  • Being responsible for the provision of telecommunication and content services, the industry in this sector could have some influence on the reporting, filtering or blocking of information when it is considered as illegal or harmful.
  • The importance of sport has hitherto been totally underestimated in the EU; on the rare occasions it is ever mentioned, it is considered as a purely economic factor.
  • Commissioner, we are counting on your agreeing that aid for training workers is a future-oriented and justified investment and that it is considered as such.
  • a sample of the product which is intended to be introduced if it is considered as necessary by the competent authority.
  • a sample of the product which is intended to be introduced if it is considered as necessary by the competent authority of the Member State of introduction;
  • Disclosure of inside information to the public on an ad-hoc basis is left to the discretion of the issuer, e.g. it is considered as legitimate (and represents widespread practice) not to divulge the consolidated figures or even internal reporting results usually established within companies.
  • On this basis, it is considered that the year 1995 was unrepresentative of the situation of the CI and cannot be considered as a meaningful basis for analysing trends on ROI.
  • The agencies set-up under the former 2nd pillar of the EU do not meet the criteria to be consolidated, nor does the European Central Bank (ECB), even if it is considered as an European Institution in the Lisbon Treaty.
  • it is considered as 'weak' after a more in-depth financial analysis of its financial viability; or
  • As far as the different price levels are concerned, it is considered that price differences between products per se do not justify the conclusion that a certain product type should be considered as a different product.
  • Takes note that the Joint Undertaking's ex post audit strategy was adopted by a Governing Board decision on 14 December 2010, and that it is considered as a key tool for assessing the legality and regularity of the underlying transactions;
  • As in the previous expiry review, it is considered, however, that Community consumption did not have a major influence on the situation in the Community industry during the period considered as explained in recital 42 on the Community consumption.
  • Very it is considered to offer a dinner for the men.


  • it is considered a classic
  • it is seen as a classic
  • it is regarded as a classic
  • it is viewed as a classic
  • it is thought of as a classic

it is considered a classic

The phrase is commonly used and considered natural in English.

This phrase is used to express the opinion or judgment that something is seen or regarded as a classic by others.
  • It's called "Abracadabra." And it is considered a modern classic.
  • No, I haven't, because the original one is now considered a classic.
  • It could be considered a classic IUU species, as it attracted much fishing effort that operated outside the regulations of ICCAT, the organisation responsible for managing this fishery.
  • No, I haven't, because the original one is now considered a classic.
  • In this regard, it is considered a sensitive and trusted partner.
  • In our world it is considered a crime.
  • It is considered a catastrophe of Biblical proportions.
  • It is considered a taboo to say that Yuki Aoyama didn't do those paintings.
  • Furthermore, the European Fisheries Fund may provide support for restocking since it is considered a conservation measure in the proposed regulation.
  • Therefore it is considered that Ziraat Bankasi is vested with governmental authority and thus is considered a public body.
  • "Among the Israelites it is considered a ritual practice."
  • In this uncertain scenario, it is considered a prudent approach to provisionally use the margin of profit which was established in the course of the last proceeding concerning the same product [6], i.e. 3 %.
  • Dental amalgam is called toxic waste when it is disposed of, but in people's teeth, it is considered a safe prodcut.
  • It is considered a major threat to the environment, because effluent from the works will be deposited in an area very close to the bank of the river Arda.
  • The Commission will be aware that this initiative is, given its characteristics, eligible for Community funding under cohesion policy, and that it is considered a priority by the Spanish Government.
  • Shark's fin soup is in great demand in China, where it is considered a delicacy, counted as one of the pu foods (foods that are meant to endow the eater with the qualities of the animal being eaten).
  • As the article can only be mounted on a free-wheel mechanism integrated in the hub to obtain its free-wheel function, it is considered a free-wheel sprocket-wheel.
  • - alters the craft to such an extent that it is considered a new craft;
  • Very it is considered to offer a dinner for the men.
  • It is considered that the above percentage is conservative.


  • it is considered as a classic
  • it is seen as a classic
  • it is regarded as a classic
  • it is viewed as a classic
  • it is thought of as a classic

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