Which one is correct?
"it came back" or "it backs"?

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it came back

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate a return or reappearance of something.

This phrase is used when something returns or reappears after being gone or absent for a period of time.


  • The lost dog came back home.
  • Her old symptoms came back after a few weeks.
  • The memories of that day came back to him suddenly.
  • The sun came back out after the storm.
  • His interest in painting came back when he visited the art museum.


  • it returned
  • it reappeared
  • it resurfaced
  • it regained
  • it reemerged

it backs

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate support or endorsement.

This phrase is used when referring to someone or something providing support or endorsement for a particular idea, person, or action.


  • The company backs the new environmental initiative.
  • He backs his friend in the upcoming election.
  • The team backs the coach's decision.
  • She backs the proposal for a new community center.
  • The organization backs the research project financially.


  • it supports
  • it endorses
  • it stands behind
  • it advocates for
  • it champions
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'It backs' is used to indicate support or endorsement, while 'it came back' is used to indicate a return or reappearance of something. They are not directly comparable as they convey different meanings.

Last Updated: March 15, 2024

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