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is uses vs it is uses

The correct phrase is "uses." The phrase "it is uses" is incorrect because the pronoun "it" is unnecessary before the verb "uses."

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1504 views

is uses

This phrase is incorrect in English. The pronoun "it" is unnecessary before the verb "uses."

The correct phrase is simply "uses" without the pronoun "it."
  • Now perhaps we might learn who it is uses these strange ships.
  • Whoever it is uses a prepaid phone so they can't trace him.
  • All you have to do to make it real Is use your imagination.
  • All I can do is use that to protect myself.
  • All she does is use people.
  • All I'm saying is use your imagination.
  • Why is use of this system not mandatory for all Member States? 3.
  • Look, IS use these for emergencies.
  • All you can do is use every step to move forward.
  • What I'd like you to do is use that patented left hook on him.
  • Even if we get the Puppet Master back to Section 9... all the chief will do is use him as a bargaining chip.
  • But the one thing you must never do with money is use it as a weapon, because someone... always gets hurt.
  • What is use of the second airship.
  • All they have to do is use scopolamine, and he'll tell them our whole plan.
  • Anticompetitive practices such as cartels and exclusive supply agreements are clearly unacceptable, as is use of a dominant position to unilaterally impose conditions on suppliers.
  • All of this is leading - computer addiction, just to cover that: the most frequent thing we do is use digital devices.
  • What I plan to do is use an algorithm -
  • But what we want to do is use the natural conclusion of the flipping of the classroom that those early teachers had emailed me about.
  • And what I think we've done, is use males, in any species, as though they are the model system.
  • What we need to do Mimsy, is use a little bwain power to make sure blue team can't compete.

it is uses

This phrase is correct in English. The pronoun "it" is used before the verb "uses" to indicate the subject of the action.

This phrase is used when you want to specify that a particular subject ("it") is the one performing the action of using something.


  • It is uses a lot of energy.
  • It is uses a special technique.
  • It is uses advanced technology.
  • It is uses a different approach.
  • It is uses a specific tool.
  • Now perhaps we might learn who it is uses these strange ships.
  • Whoever it is uses a prepaid phone so they can't trace him.
  • All you have to do to make it real Is use your imagination.
  • This profile is used for printing on U.S. grade 5 coated paper, sheetfed offset and gravure. It is use for standard magazine printing with yellowish paper.
  • It is recommended to use AMMONAPS granules instead.
  • What it does is use the Internet to create an infinite marketplace to match person A's "haves" with person C's "wants," whatever they may be.
  • It is no use trying to solve the riddle.
  • It is no use to try to humor her.
  • It is no use just saying that we took the right decisions.
  • It is no use our dreaming about these items.
  • One main area that concerns me - the Commissioner talked about it - is the use of cluster bombs.
  • It is no use talking about tools and barometers.
  • It is no use, he is too strong now.
  • It is no use introducing legislation which is then not properly implemented.
  • The aim is absolutely not to encourage cross-border healthcare as such, but to ensure its availability, safety and quality when it is of use or necessary.
  • It is no use putting unnecessary obstacles in the way of all the many honest companies.
  • You then, you and whatever it is you use for a brain.
  • Despite Dr Fletcher's insistence he was not responsible for his actions in his chameleon state, it is no use.
  • The selected user defined tense could not be deleted because it is in use.
  • It is the use of this wonderful word 'partnership', which, as yet, means nothing.


  • It uses
  • It is using
  • It is utilized
  • It is employing
  • It is making use of

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