is afraid of telling or is afriad to tell?

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is afraid of telling

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone is fearful of the act of telling something. It indicates a fear or reluctance to communicate information.


  • He is afraid of telling his parents about his failing grades.
  • She is afraid of telling her boss about the mistake she made.
  • They are afraid of telling the truth about what happened.
  • The child is afraid of telling the teacher about the bullying.
  • I am afraid of telling him how I really feel.


  • is scared of telling
  • is hesitant to tell
  • is reluctant to disclose
  • is anxious about revealing
  • is apprehensive about sharing

is afriad to tell

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when someone is fearful of the consequences of telling something. It indicates a fear or concern about what might happen if the information is disclosed.


  • She is afraid to tell her friend the truth about the situation.
  • He is afraid to tell his partner about the financial problems.
  • They are afraid to tell the authorities what they witnessed.
  • I am afraid to tell my parents about my decision.
  • The employee is afraid to tell the boss about the safety concerns.


  • is scared to tell
  • is hesitant to disclose
  • is reluctant to reveal
  • is anxious about confessing
  • is apprehensive about divulging
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Is afraid of telling' is used when someone is fearful of the act of telling something, while 'is afraid to tell' is used when someone is fearful of the consequences of telling something.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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