Which is correct:
"international standard" or "international level"?

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international standard

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It refers to a set of guidelines or criteria that are accepted globally.

The term 'international standard' is used to describe a benchmark or guideline that is recognized and implemented on a global scale, ensuring consistency and quality across different countries or regions.


  • This product meets international standards for safety and quality.
  • The company aims to comply with international standards for environmental sustainability.
  • ISO 9001 is an international standard for quality management systems.
  • The school follows international standards for curriculum development.
  • The hotel industry must adhere to international standards for cleanliness and hygiene.


  • global standard
  • worldwide standard
  • universal standard
  • internationally recognized standard
  • internationally accepted standard

international level

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English. It typically refers to a point or degree of achievement or proficiency on a global scale.

'International level' is used to describe a point or degree of achievement that is recognized or reached on a global scale, indicating a high standard or proficiency.


  • She competes at the international level in swimming.
  • The company operates at an international level, serving customers worldwide.
  • His language skills are at an international level, allowing him to work in diverse environments.
  • The conference attracted speakers of an international level, bringing expertise from different countries.
  • The university offers programs that are recognized at an international level.


  • global level
  • worldwide level
  • universal level
  • internationally recognized level
  • internationally accepted level
Both 'international standard' and 'international level' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'International standard' refers to a set of guidelines or criteria that are accepted globally, while 'international level' typically refers to a point or degree of achievement or proficiency on a global scale.

Last updated: March 31, 2024

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