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intend to retain vs wish to keep

Both "intend to retain" and "wish to keep" are correct phrases, but they are used in slightly different contexts. "Intend to retain" is more formal and implies a deliberate decision to hold onto something, often in a professional or legal context. On the other hand, "wish to keep" is more casual and expresses a desire or preference to hold onto something without the same level of formality.

Last updated: March 23, 2024 • 893 views

intend to retain

This phrase is correct and commonly used in formal contexts to indicate a deliberate decision to keep something.

This phrase is used in formal settings to express a clear intention to keep or hold onto something, often in professional or legal contexts.


  • The company intends to retain its current employees during the restructuring.
  • The government intends to retain control over the distribution of essential resources.
  • The artist intends to retain the rights to their work.
  • The local authorities have made no secret of the fact that the export derogation has been introduced in order to safeguard jobs in that state at the expense of the environment and that they therefore intend to retain it.
  • 2. Not later than the 31 January 1987, Member States shall notify the Commission of the national provisions which they intend to retain by virtue of paragraph 1.
  • However, the Swedish Government recently notified the Commission that it intends to retain the current system.
  • The Commission cannot support Amendment No 7 since it intends to retain responsibility for assessing this programme.
  • MEPs ask the Commission, immediately after it has been appointed, to draw up and submit to Parliament and the Council a list stating which of its predecessor's legislative proposals it intends to retain.
  • (a) any requirement which it intends to retain in accordance with paragraph 1 before the date of transposition of this Directive; and
  • any requirement which it intends to retain in accordance with paragraph 1 before the date of transposition of this Directive; and
  • Asks the Commission, immediately after it has been appointed, to draw up and submit to Parliament and the Council a list stating which of its predecessor's legislative proposals it intends to retain;
  • Your rapporteur intends to retain the decision to base the linguistic arrangements on the working languages of the EPO, in accordance with the outcome of the impact assessment carried out by the Commission
  • Finally, I know that Mr Bushill-Matthews intends to table an oral amendment to Amendment 5 to place emphasis upon the need to retain older people in the workforce.
  • Being the only military superpower in the world investing nearly US$ 300 billion yearly in secret and not-so-secret operations, the US wants to retain its military leadership and does not intend to renounce it.
  • Legal owner to retain original form.
  • I can't jeopardize my company's success to retain an untrustworthy employee.
  • We'll need to retain the photographs and the negatives.
  • This compromise amendment creates a notification procedure when an issuer wants to retain inside information.
  • Charleroi airport is said to be providing unlawful aid in order to retain the Irish airline's flights.
  • In acknowledging the significance of third-country nationals it is important to retain a sense of proportion.
  • You have the right to retain counsel without delay.
  • To retain the meager wealth and rank that men desire.
  • Mary wants to retain Pope and Associates to manage a private family matter.


  • plan to keep
  • aim to retain
  • expect to hold onto
  • propose to retain
  • decide to keep

wish to keep

This phrase is correct and commonly used in informal contexts to express a desire or preference to hold onto something.

This phrase is used in casual conversations to express a wish or desire to keep something without the formality of "intend to retain."


  • I wish to keep this old book as a memento.
  • She wishes to keep her collection of vintage records.
  • They wish to keep the family tradition alive.
  • He wishes to keep his job despite the challenges.
  • We wish to keep the peace in our neighborhood.
  • It claimed that the Commission would have argued that PVA is a commodity, and that the lowest price quoted on the market determines to a large extent the market price, which other producers have to adapt to, if they wish to keep their orders.
  • Penta is a commodity and the lowest price quoted on the market determines to a large extent the market price, which other producers have to adapt to, if they wish to keep their orders.
  • Whatever happens, Clara, if you wish to keep your position here, you will restrain yourself and you will not seek out Mr Moray.
  • Current opinion polls show that those who wish to keep their independence outnumber the Euro-Quislings and Europhiles nearly two to one.
  • Proclaim your loyalty, if you wish to keep your post.
  • Because you wish to keep this a secret.
  • We don't wish to keep you from your business.
  • I wish to keep my honor intact.
  • We wanted to produce a compromise and we wish to keep this date.
  • And further, Mr Swearengen, that as to purchase of your allegiance... now in question they might wish to keep the bidding open.
  • We live simple lives, and we wish to keep it that way.
  • And here are a few of my personal favorites you may wish to keep your eye on.
  • See Bruno, this old friend is the only memory of that place I wish to keep.
  • If you wish to keep them alive, you'll make no attempt to re-enter the terminal.
  • I would not raise voice in such manner with him again, if you wish to keep purchase in this world.
  • Those arms that the owner does not wish to keep or transfer to another licence holder are deactivated or rendered to the state.
  • We wish to keep to specific facts and tangible proposals in order to avoid approaching matters with slogans or ideologically.
  • So it is indeed inconceivable that John Major should wish to keep that message from his people.
  • This is why we wish to keep to the Commission's text.
  • There are many forces that wish to keep it precisely as it has been for the last 50 years.


  • want to retain
  • desire to keep
  • hope to hold onto
  • prefer to retain
  • like to keep

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