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information were missing vs information was missing

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Information was missing' is the correct phrase to use when referring to a singular piece of missing information. 'Information were missing' is incorrect because 'information' is an uncountable noun and should be treated as singular.

Last updated: March 27, 2024 • 4472 views

information were missing

'Information were missing' is incorrect. 'Information' is an uncountable noun and should be treated as singular.

The correct form is 'information was missing' when referring to a singular piece of missing information.
  • Any follow-up by other Member States would not be feasible if such essential information were missing.
  • If the second and third information items were both missing, then three separator characters should be used - two 'US' characters in addition to the terminating field or subfield separator character.
  • Thus, there is no relevant information missing that would affect the reader's understanding of the underlying transactions.
  • In addition to the conditions for inclusion proposed under paragraph 2(a), the Commission may indicate if it has identified any information missing from the dossier which may be required by Member States when they come to grant authorisations under Article 4 of Directive 91/414/EEC.
  • Although the motion for a European Parliament resolution quotes a number of documents, the fundamental information is missing.
  • So I cross-referenced that information with missing persons reports from the time the concrete went in... bingo.
  • So I cross-referenced that information with missing persons reports from the time the concrete went in... bingo.
  • We've pieced together most of what happened on the Tellarite ship... but there's one important piece of information still missing.
  • For the pre-2007 projects of the Cohesion Fund, information is missing for 3 Member States.
  • We can't just go digging through Bletchley looking for information about missing cryptograms.
  • Silver Alert is an organised system for the direct circulation and transmission of information on missing persons to the public.
  • The Commission requested to provide further information and missing documents, which were submitted on 18 June, 13 September and 3 November 2004.
  • The Commission identified certain relevant information as missing in the original application for innovative technology No 1 and requested the Applicant to complete it.
  • A pre-notification meeting was held on 29 March at which the Commission stressed that the draft notification was quite incomplete and indicated what information was missing.
  • The Commission identified certain relevant information as missing in the original application and requested the Applicant to complete it.
  • However, more detailed information was missing in order to enable to Commission to finalise its assessment.
  • They have to clearly state, which information is missing (fill in or attach document).
  • 3. In addition to the conditions for inclusion proposed under paragraph 2(a), the Commission may indicate if it has identified any information missing from the dossier which may be required by Member States when they come to grant authorisations under Article 4 of Directive 91/414/EEC.
  • She's got information on the missing child.
  • I guess I'm just afraid of what that missing information might be.


  • information was missing

information was missing

'Information was missing' is the correct phrase to use when referring to a singular piece of missing information.

Use 'information was missing' when talking about a singular piece of missing information.
  • A pre-notification meeting was held on 29 March at which the Commission stressed that the draft notification was quite incomplete and indicated what information was missing.
  • However, more detailed information was missing in order to enable to Commission to finalise its assessment.
  • The advantage of this method is speed, but this is counteracted by the fact that a great deal of information was missing at the assessment stage.
  • Regarding the claim that information was missing from the open file, the interested party did not specify to which information it was referring to.
  • During its assessment of the completeness of the TNP, the Commission found that information was missing for several plants concerning the date on which the first permit was granted.
  • Furthermore, as it is stated under recital (276) above, the Commission used whatever information the GOC provided but since significant information was missing it had to complement data provided with other available sources in order to arrive at a representative finding.
  • In particular, it was not possible to perform a consumer exposure assessment, as necessary information was missing as regards livestock exposure, plant metabolism, residue trials, processing studies and plant residue definition.
  • However, since some information was still missing and a number of matters were outstanding, there were doubts as to the compatibility of the aid measures with the common market.
  • A further extension to complete the missing information was granted on 20 December 2009.
  • The missing information was provided on 23 March 2010.
  • The missing information was submitted, after further extensions of the time limit, by e-mail dated 30 May 2008.
  • As part of the information was still missing, on 9 August 2012 the Commission addressed a request for additional information.
  • Having found that some information was still missing from the Memorandum of 14 September 2010, the Commission sent a letter on 29 September 2010 requesting additional information from the Portuguese authorities.
  • Certain information was still missing, however, and the Commission advised the Greek authorities accordingly, by letter dated 31 October 2003 (TREN D/17821), a copy of which was also subsequently faxed to the Greek Permanent Representation on 4 December 2003.
  • In this context, it should be recalled, however, that all sampled companies have been investigated on the spot and that any missing information was provided during the investigation.
  • The Commission sent a reminder for information that was still missing on 17 January 2014.
  • As the availability of the missing information was reported by France, no footnote requesting the submission of this information will be added.
  • The missing information was submitted by letter dated 19 April 2002 and supplemented by letter dated 7 May 2002.
  • For the applications received in 2005 (the year with the highest number of applications during the period assessed by the Court) the average time before the Commission had received the missing information was 93 days.
  • (7) By letter dated 1 March 2002, the Spanish authorities submitted their comments and provided some of the information requested. The missing information was submitted by letter dated 19 April 2002 and supplemented by letter dated 7 May 2002.


  • information was not provided
  • information was not available
  • information was incomplete
  • information was inaccurate
  • information was incorrect

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