Which is correct:
"indications of" or "indications to"?

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indications of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to show possession or association. It is followed by a noun or noun phrase that describes what the indications are about.


  • There are clear indications of his involvement in the crime.
  • The doctor found indications of a possible infection in the blood test results.
  • The report provides indications of a positive trend in the market.
  • She showed indications of fatigue after the long journey.
  • The survey revealed indications of dissatisfaction among the employees.


  • signs of
  • evidence of
  • symptoms of
  • proof of
  • hints of

indications to

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to indicate direction or purpose. It is followed by a noun or noun phrase that describes where the indications are pointing or leading.


  • The signs on the road gave clear indications to the nearest gas station.
  • Her gestures were indications to the team about what to do next.
  • The map provided indications to the hidden treasure.
  • The teacher's comments were indications to the students on how to improve their essays.
  • The email contained indications to the meeting location.


  • pointers to
  • clues to
  • guidance to
  • instructions to
  • hints to
Both 'indications of' and 'indications to' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Indications of' is used to show possession or association, while 'indications to' is used to indicate direction or purpose.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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