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increasing cost vs increased cost

Both "increasing cost" and "increased cost" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Increasing cost" is used to describe a cost that is currently rising or going up, while "increased cost" is used to refer to a cost that has already gone up in the past.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 1163 views

increasing cost

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to describe a cost that is currently rising or going up.


  • The increasing cost of living is a concern for many people.
  • We need to address the issue of increasing costs in our budget.
  • The company is facing challenges due to the increasing cost of raw materials.
  • In view of the increasing cost of production, the Union industry tried to increase the unit price to unrelated customers as shown in recital 93 above.
  • However, it is unclear at this moment to what extent the increasing cost of production and the downward pressure on profitability will entail an injurious situation for the Community industry in the medium term.
  • Is concerned about the increasing cost of the car service, especially in view of the simultaneous reimbursement of taxi services to Members; therefore is not willing to approve the increase of EUR 215900;
  • Is concerned about the increasing cost of the car service, especially in view of the simultaneous reimbursement of taxi services to Members; therefore is not willing to approve the increase of EUR 215900;
  • However, the increasing cost of water used for irrigation purposes must not compromise irrigation farmers' ability to pay, since this would have significant social, economic and environmental implications.
  • After disclosure, one party alleged that the increasing cost of production took place against a background of significant reductions in some raw material costs, namely steel and aluminium, which would suggest that the injury suffered was self-inflicted.
  • In view of the increasing cost of production, the Union industry tried to increase the unit price to unrelated customers as shown in recital (145) above.
  • increasing cost of energy and maintenance of the buildings
  • Just the other day one of us was talking about the increasing cost of living.
  • It is with specific reference to enlargement that I want to draw attention today to the increasing cost of internal security in the European Union of the future.
  • The increasing cost of equipment that meets safety requirements increases the amount of investment that is necessary.
  • In the IP profitability fell back to its lowest level due to price pressure and increasing cost of raw materials.
  • However, the ECA is of the opinion that a greater effort could be made in view to establishing the real needs and to increasing cost awareness.
  • Apart from that, there is also the fact that fishers cannot, because of certain market constraints, pass on down the line the increasing cost to further operators involved in the marketing of fish products.
  • Calls on the United Nations to organise a conference on the increasing cost of food and to invite all countries to attend in an effort to find a combined solution to a global problem;
  • whereas the financing problems remain for the 2006 budget in the case of both Heading 3 and Heading 4, in particular because of the simultaneous occurrence of the pre-agreed codecision programmes, the increasing cost of agencies and the Common Foreign and Security Policy,
  • The acquisition positively affected FHB Group's net profit for 2010; one-off items related to the acquisition counterbalanced the negative impact of the special banking tax, losses on the loan portfolio and the increasing cost of funding.
  • Subject: Cheaper mortgages In view of the ever increasing cost of housing throughout the EU, will the Council outline new ways in which house buyers could avail themselves of long-term cheap mortgages?


  • rising cost
  • escalating cost
  • growing cost
  • mounting cost
  • upward cost

increased cost

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to a cost that has already gone up in the past.


  • The project incurred increased costs due to unexpected delays.
  • The increased cost of production led to a decrease in profits.
  • Customers are unhappy with the increased cost of the service.
  • The increased cost of fuel leads to higher operating costs.
  • The Turkish Government also argued that any injury suffered by the Union industry would be caused by the increased cost of production resulting from contraction in demand.
  • The claimants asked for compensation for the increased cost of PET.
  • The global economic and financial crisis, climate issues and the increased cost of food and energy are the reasons behind a new revised version.
  • Because legislation usually means an increased cost which is invariably passed on to the consumer.
  • This interpretation is supported elsewhere in the directive; see Recital 19, which refers to the particular ability of the power sector to pass on the increased cost of CO 2.
  • Even though this requirement is legitimate, it may lead to an increased cost in the service.
  • Finally, in order to take the underlying concerns into account, the influence of increased cost of raw materials for 1999 were analysed and compared to the IP.
  • It encompasses both the impact of inflation and the increased cost of living as estimated by the Commission.
  • This amount includes the impact of inflation and increased cost of living anticipated by the European Commission.
  • This includes the impact of inflation and the increased cost of living based on the Commission's calculations.
  • However, in the current economic crisis, families are the social category that is the most affected by the increased cost of living.
  • The increase between 2010 and 2011 and subsequent decrease in the following year primarily reflected the increased cost of the raw material.
  • Community producers' prices on the Community market were undercut by dumped imports and could not be increased to reflect the increased cost of production during the IP.
  • (15) As is the case under the present scheme applicable to all sectors, fishermen who make use of the notified scheme would not be able to make use of other tax deductions for increased cost of living.
  • Taking into account the increased cost resulting from the implementation of Directive 2003/87/EC, the assessment demonstrated high trade intensity and a significant drop in the profitability of the sector in the Union.
  • The Community industry's average unit selling price increased by 10 % over the period considered as a result of the increased cost of raw material, which impacted the whole industry.
  • As is the case under the present scheme applicable to all sectors, fishermen who make use of the notified scheme would not be able to make use of other tax deductions for increased cost of living.
  • Basic factors contributing to the divergence in the prices of products on the Greek market are the lack of transparency in price formation and the increased cost due to the intermediaries involved in getting products from the producer to the consumer.
  • Although the imposition of measures would have a negative impact on its profitability due to the higher costs to be incurred, the importing company should be in a position to pass on at least part of the increased cost to its customers.


  • higher cost
  • elevated cost
  • augmented cost
  • enhanced cost
  • upgraded cost

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