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increase comprehension vs increase the comprehension

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Increase comprehension' is more commonly used in a general sense, while 'increase the comprehension' is used when referring to a specific comprehension level or context. The choice between the two depends on the level of specificity needed in the sentence.

Last updated: March 12, 2024 • 657 views

increase comprehension

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used in a general sense to indicate the action of improving understanding or comprehension without specifying a particular context or level.


  • The teacher used various techniques to increase comprehension among the students.
  • Reading regularly can help increase comprehension skills.
  • The new software aims to increase comprehension of complex data.
  • Training sessions are designed to increase comprehension of safety procedures.
  • The workshop focused on strategies to increase comprehension in young readers.
  • The Write to Read: Response Journals That Increase Comprehension Paperback – July 30, 2009. by Lesley J. Roessing (Editor). 14 customer reviews. ISBN-13: ...
  • Visual Literacy: Using Images to. Increase Comprehension. Students need visual images to help them read and understand. Children live in a very texts. Visual ...
  • Research indicates that writing notes by hand can increase comprehension and recall among students who are not learning disabled in writing. For those who ...
  • CONTENT VOCABULARY TO INCREASE COMPREHENSION. 2. Abstract. This action research was conducted to examine how instructional strategies and ...


  • enhance comprehension
  • improve understanding
  • boost comprehension
  • heighten comprehension
  • develop comprehension

increase the comprehension

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase is used when referring to a specific comprehension level or context that is already known or specified.


  • The new program aims to increase the comprehension of scientific concepts among students.
  • The additional explanations helped increase the comprehension of the topic.
  • The workshop is designed to increase the comprehension of the participants regarding the new regulations.
  • The course focuses on strategies to increase the comprehension of complex texts.
  • The goal is to increase the comprehension of the audience through clear communication.
  • What Works? Performing Poetry: Using Drama to Increase the Comprehension of Poetry – PDF. whatworks-preview-01. Share this: Return to Resource Centre ...
  • Entry Journals would increase the comprehension of my seventh grade students. The study was conducted over four weeks in a regular classroom setting.
  • Mar 3, 2014 ... Increase the Comprehension of Poetry. By Dr. Kristen Ferguson. Poetry can be both challenging and intimidating to teach and learn.1 For.
  • ... two could increase the comprehension of the written information given to healthy volunteers enrolled in biomedical research. Participants were randomized to ...


  • enhance the comprehension
  • improve the understanding
  • boost the comprehension
  • heighten the comprehension
  • develop the comprehension

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