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"incorporate to" vs "incorporate into"

Both "incorporate to" and "incorporate into" are commonly used phrases, but they are used in different contexts. "Incorporate into" is the correct phrase when you want to describe the action of including something into a larger whole or system. On the other hand, "incorporate to" is not a standard phrase in English and is not commonly used.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1933 views

"incorporate to"

This phrase is not a standard construction in English and is not commonly used.

The correct phrase to use when including something into a larger whole or system is "incorporate into."
  • No, Bela, that's "incorporates."
  • According to Mr. Jackson, I plan to incorporate numerous "attaboys" while also administering reassuring pats on their hindquarters.
  • According to Mr. Jackson, I plan to incorporate numerous "attaboys" while also administering reassuring pats on their hindquarters. Right.
  • For the purposes of 9A102 a "turboprop engine system" incorporates all of the following:
  • Metellus Cimber? No, it is Casca, one incorporate to our attempts.
  • The detailed content and format shall be determined at level two, but shall incorporate to a large part the information in the current summary note.
  • No, it is Casca, one incorporate to our attempts.
  • My mom's dragging me to "angry lady" Thanksgiving.
  • Directive 98/10/EC imposes an obligation to "deal" requests.
  • Welcomes the Commission engagement to "raise again its proposal to fully incorporate the EDF into the budget during discussions on the next financial framework" (SEC(2008)2579) Commission Staff Working Document.
  • The reference to "all information available to" a credit rating agency is disproportionate and would cover all information within the public domain, no matter how obscure.
  • Indeed the second subparagraph of Article 152(1) does refer to "preventing human illness and disease" and to "obviating sources of danger to human health".
  • So, I say yes to "super" and no to "normal".
  • The rapporteur also called on all EU institutions to "do our work properly", since this is the only way to "bring us closer to the European citizens".
  • None of us have to "go to" anyone.
  • Welcome to "Live Wire".
  • It's always good to "recharge your batteries".
  • Cathy loved to "dress up" as she called it.
  • It sounds like the screenplay to "murder Incorporated".
  • SMEs in particular often experience major difficulties in attempting to "go digital".


  • incorporate into

"incorporate into"

This is the correct phrase to use when you want to describe the action of including something into a larger whole or system.

You should use "incorporate into" when you want to describe the process of including something into a larger entity or system.
  • No, Bela, that's "incorporates."
  • According to Mr. Jackson, I plan to incorporate numerous "attaboys" while also administering reassuring pats on their hindquarters.
  • According to Mr. Jackson, I plan to incorporate numerous "attaboys" while also administering reassuring pats on their hindquarters. Right.
  • This incorporates into the specific programmes the amendments proposed by the EP at second reading in connection with the Sixth Framework Programme.
  • That Directive incorporates into Community law the international training, certification and watchkeeping standards laid down by the STCW Convention.
  • The draft Constitution indeed does not incorporate into the Union the basic criteria that could build a desirable home for everybody.
  • The Commission should, therefore, incorporate into its development policy specific goals relating to education, health, gender equality and combating poverty.
  • It is also appropriate to incorporate into the EEA Agreement other Commission acts adopted pursuant to Directive 2003/87/EC [6].
  • It did not incorporate into the legislation the clarification supplied by the Court of Justice in judgments subsequent to the initial ruling.
  • It is important that those Member States that have not yet done so incorporate into their legal systems the measures needed to ensure diplomatic and consular protection for EU citizens whose state of origin has no representation.
  • This also means that Member States can incorporate into these action plans reporting obligations concerning energy efficiency and energy savings which stem from other directives.
  • For this reason he incorporates into his report a citation referring to the EP Legal Service's opinion setting out the relevant principles of international law.
  • Nevertheless, he contrived to incorporate into his work - quite rightly, in my opinion - absolutely essential provisions to safeguard independence and transparency.
  • I also hope that the Commission will incorporate into its own future work the valuable and important pointers contained in the Waddington report.
  • From our experience in Lithuania, I can say that unforeseen problems arise that are difficult to incorporate into the time schedules.
  • Finally, we were pleased to incorporate into the report the three amendments concerning financial matters tabled by the Committee on Budgets, because they are fully justified.
  • However, I would like to highlight the amendments that we have fortunately been able to incorporate into the report thanks to considerable support.
  • This is because the acquirer incorporates into its income statement the acquiree's profits and losses from that date.
  • This amendment seeks to incorporate into the decision the overriding interests of the child as a victim of discrimination and also as somebody who can easily be influenced using racist or xenophobic messages.
  • Calls on the Commission to consider and incorporate into its proposed amendment of Directive 91/414/EEC the possibility of:


  • integrate into
  • combine with
  • merge into
  • blend into

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