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in the pacific ocean vs at the pacific ocean

Both "in the Pacific Ocean" and "at the Pacific Ocean" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "In the Pacific Ocean" is used when referring to a location within the ocean, while "at the Pacific Ocean" is used when referring to a specific point or area near the ocean.

Last updated: March 29, 2024 • 1834 views

in the pacific ocean

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a location within the Pacific Ocean.

Use "in the Pacific Ocean" when talking about something located within the boundaries of the Pacific Ocean, such as islands, marine life, or underwater features.


  • The Great Barrier Reef is located in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Many species of whales can be found in the Pacific Ocean.
  • There are numerous islands in the Pacific Ocean.
  • The machine carrying the invaders just exploded in the Pacific Ocean.
  • That's how they call me on our islands, the Tuamotu in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Maybe it could be you and me on an island... in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Scientists have confirmed there was a UFO landing in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of Hawaii.
  • A waste reef the size of a continent which has been found in the Pacific Ocean is causing serious damage to marine ecosystems.
  • The middle line is millions of tons of plastic debris accumulating in our ocean, and the third line is radioactive material leaking from Fukushima nuclear power plant in the Pacific Ocean.
  • It's in the Pacific Ocean. It's twice the size of Texas.
  • Tuvalu, an island in the Pacific Ocean, has been forced to declare a state of emergency because of insufficient drinking water supplies affecting the capital, Funafuti, and a number of other small islands in the vicinity.
  • The rapporteur mentions the 'plastic soup', the drifting mass of plastic and rubber in the Pacific Ocean, and notes what is described as an increasing problem in the Atlantic Ocean of lost fishing nets.
  • This refers to the drifting mass of plastic and rubber (34 times the size of the Netherlands: +/-1.350.000 km 2) in the Pacific Ocean.
  • We must remember that at the moment the United States federal courts have issued a ban against the US Navy to prevent it from using high-power and low-frequency sonar in the Pacific Ocean, in order to prevent damage to marine fauna.
  • It is clear that this is the case when a tiny, poor, remote country in the Pacific Ocean, entirely dependent on tuna-fishing, is asked to agree not to the fact that it will be exploited but to the conditions of its exploitation.
  • One of the two American spaceships believed to have disintegrated in orbit splashed down yesterday in the Pacific Ocean, off the coast of southern California, and is stated to have been manned, if you can call it "manned," by monkeys.
  • What additional information does the Commission have on the bycatch of leatherbacks and other sea turtles by EU-flagged vessels outside the Mediterranean Sea, either in the Pacific Ocean or in any other ocean area?
  • and spent the rest of the night putting' some motion in the pacific ocean.
  • Made an emergency landing in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Well, I still have faith in the Pacific Ocean Power Company.
  • They're just coming into range of our tracking ship in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Mr. Secretary, four of the five objects landed in the Pacific Ocean.
  • So you're going out in the Pacific Ocean in a plastic boat.


  • within the Pacific Ocean
  • inside the Pacific Ocean

at the pacific ocean

This phrase is correct but less commonly used. It is typically used when referring to a specific point or area near the Pacific Ocean.

Use "at the Pacific Ocean" when indicating a location close to the Pacific Ocean, such as a beach, port, or coastal city.


  • We are staying at a hotel at the Pacific Ocean.
  • The restaurant is located at the Pacific Ocean.
  • The lighthouse stands at the Pacific Ocean.
  • Native Americans greeting settlers at the Pacific Ocean.
  • And now I'm looking at the Pacific Ocean.
  • He... he's floating down at the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.
  • And what we need to do now is look at the whole Pacific Ocean in its entirety and make a network of MPAs across the Pacific so that we have our world's largest ocean protected and self-sustaining over time.
  • Halfway from here to the Pacific Ocean is the Pacific Ocean, Shawn.
  • Made an emergency landing in the Pacific Ocean.
  • Well, I still have faith in the Pacific Ocean Power Company.
  • Our plane was flying over the Pacific Ocean.
  • She was able to cross the Pacific Ocean by boat.
  • She succeeded in crossing the Pacific Ocean by boat.
  • He crossed the Pacific Ocean in thirty days.
  • It's a giant mass of trash polluting the Pacific Ocean.
  • I mean, he did try to sink california into the pacific ocean.
  • Which means you've never actually touched the Pacific Ocean.
  • The former contents of the package are somewhere between my toilet... and the Pacific Ocean.
  • The machine carrying the invaders just exploded in the Pacific Ocean.
  • He sailed the Pacific Ocean, and found gold there.
  • A ribbon of iron stretched 1,800 miles from the Mississippi to the Pacific Ocean.
  • I've never seen the Pacific Ocean.
  • Radiation from some of Japan's 53 reactors drifts across the Pacific Ocean.


  • by the Pacific Ocean
  • near the Pacific Ocean

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