in terms of or from the viewpoints of?

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in terms of

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to introduce a specific aspect or perspective related to a topic or subject.


  • In terms of customer service, this company excels.
  • Let's consider the issue in terms of its impact on the environment.
  • She is the best candidate in terms of experience and qualifications.


  • regarding
  • with regard to
  • concerning
  • as far as
  • with respect to

from the viewpoints of

This phrase is correct but less common in everyday English.

This phrase is also used to introduce a specific aspect or perspective, but it may sound more formal or academic.


  • From the viewpoints of different stakeholders, the decision was controversial.
  • The issue was analyzed from the viewpoints of psychology and sociology.
  • From the viewpoints of history, this event was significant.


  • considering the perspectives of
  • taking into account the viewpoints of
  • looking at it from the perspective of
  • evaluating based on the viewpoints of
  • examining from the standpoint of
Both 'in terms of' and 'from the viewpoints of' are correct phrases used to introduce a specific aspect or perspective. 'In terms of' is more commonly used and considered more natural in everyday English. 'From the viewpoints of' is also correct but less common and may sound more formal or academic.

Last updated: March 21, 2024

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