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in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to world. vs in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to the world.

Both phrases are similar, but the second one is more grammatically correct. The addition of 'the' before 'world' makes the phrase more clear and natural. It is important to include 'the' before 'world' to indicate that the statement refers to the entire world.

Last updated: March 26, 2024 • 624 views

in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to world.

This phrase is grammatically correct but sounds a bit unnatural due to the missing article 'the' before 'world'.

This phrase can be used to describe something that was completely unknown in terms of culture, but it would sound more natural with the addition of 'the' before 'world'.
  • In terms of technology, in terms of society and in terms of culture, China has probably contributed more than any other country to the development of humankind.
  • The Member States are very diverse in terms of culture and traditions.
  • It also involves promoting progress in terms of culture and democratic practices in Cuba.
  • I do not know whether this is going to help in terms of their election but at least they will not be entirely unknown to you.
  • However, the single currency has also contributed to a small revolution in terms of culture and identity, so to speak.
  • These two men, who were so different in terms of culture and temperament, worked together throughout the 1950s.
  • in terms of culture, increasingly complex needs with regard to promoting multicultural values.
  • I therefore believe that we must preserve the Mediterranean: this is a crucial issue in terms of the future of fishing and it is also a major issue in terms of culture.
  • Europe must spell out its interests, not only in terms of trade and the global economy, but also in terms of culture, language and tradition.
  • In the communication, the Commission talks of "a solid relationship in terms of culture and civilisation".
  • Yet, in terms of the European City of Culture, it is a question of being aware of the riches generated by this diversity whilst keeping in view its common roots.
  • I should stress once again, the countries of South Caucasus - Armenia, Azerbaijan and Georgia, are very different in terms of culture, customs, religion and geopolitics.
  • The great variety that they bring in terms of culture, heritage and nature will mean an expansion both of the product range and of internal and external tourism demand.
  • Even in terms of the place of culture among the priorities of the EESC's programme, it would be an exaggeration to claim that specific action has already been taken.
  • Our relations are relatively well-balanced, in terms of both our trade and direct investment throughout the world.
  • In terms of spending power it's the single largest potential market in the world.
  • The European Union must remember the significance of research in terms of providing a competitive edge in today's global world.
  • The European Union is now at a real crossroads in terms of its competitive capacity with regard to the rest of the world.
  • On many occasions, we have had the opportunity to stress the importance of SMEs in terms of job creation and also in terms of the vitality of the rural world.
  • The Ministry of culture was against Prokofiev.


  • in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to the world.

in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to the world.

This phrase is grammatically correct and more commonly used. The addition of 'the' before 'world' makes the sentence clearer and more natural.

This phrase is the preferred choice as it includes the article 'the' before 'world', indicating that the statement refers to the entire world.
  • That was very important in terms of our self-confidence and of the image of a self-confident parliament that we present to the world.
  • In terms of our environmental commitments, Europe in many respects continues to set an example to the world in terms of green thinking and legislation.
  • The European Union should set an example to the world in terms of equal opportunities and democracy.
  • Only, the existence of the NSS is unknown to the world.
  • It has reduced the African countries to a state of dependence, particularly in terms of financing, leading them to mortgage the dynamism needed for successful access to the world's economy.
  • Although this is certainly an important issue in terms of discussing China's accession to the World Trade Organisation, for example, it cannot be used to block negotiations of this significance.
  • Our relations are relatively well-balanced, in terms of both our trade and direct investment throughout the world.
  • In terms of spending power it's the single largest potential market in the world.
  • The European Union is now at a real crossroads in terms of its competitive capacity with regard to the rest of the world.
  • In terms of technology, in terms of society and in terms of culture, China has probably contributed more than any other country to the development of humankind.
  • Osiris can't talk to the world.
  • It was calculated in 2009 that the 15 largest ships pollute in terms of particles and soot and noxious gases as much as all the cars in the world.
  • Canada was just pipped to the post in terms of the number one fundraising campaign in the world.
  • It will take time for all of us to learn how to use new arrangements to deliver the best results in terms of the European Union's increased role in the world.
  • All of these issues are extremely important and urgent in terms of the Union's future and the function which it ought to be performing in the world.
  • This meeting has therefore been of enormous importance in terms of making progress in the situation of women in all parts of the world.
  • ), it should ensure greater openness to the world of international finance in terms of use of languages; and also in the use of modern information technologies (see Section 3.2).
  • Globalisation offers fresh opportunities in terms of access to the world's markets, and yet many European citizens take a dim view of it, given the far-reaching effects on the European textiles industry of the restructuring and relocations currently taking place.
  • Given the number of languages and technical difficulties we face, despite the fact that certain problems may arise such as the one you have mentioned, on the whole I believe that this Parliament offers an example to the world in terms of respecting multilingualism.
  • In terms of mass destruction, do you think that the powers in question have never used them and can therefore preach to the world about international morals?


  • in terms of culture was absolutely unknown to world.

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