Which one is correct?
"from my heart" or "in my heart"?

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from my heart

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to convey sincerity or genuine feelings when expressing something.

This phrase is used to emphasize the sincerity or depth of one's feelings when expressing something, such as gratitude, love, or appreciation.


  • I want to thank you from my heart for all your help.
  • Her words came straight from my heart.
  • I speak to you from my heart, with all honesty.
  • Everything I do comes from my heart.
  • His music touches people's souls, coming from his heart.


  • sincerely
  • with all my heart
  • wholeheartedly
  • deeply
  • genuinely

in my heart

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to express deep feelings, beliefs, or emotions that someone holds within themselves.

This phrase is used to convey strong emotions or beliefs that are deeply felt by the speaker. It is often used to express personal convictions or deeply held sentiments.


  • In my heart, I know that I made the right decision.
  • She will always have a special place in my heart.
  • His words touched me deeply in my heart.
  • I feel it in my heart that everything will be okay.
  • The memory of that day will stay with me in my heart forever.


  • deep in my heart
  • close to my heart
  • deeply in my heart
  • within my heart
  • in the depths of my heart
Both 'in my heart' and 'from my heart' are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'In my heart' is used to express feelings, beliefs, or emotions that someone deeply holds within themselves. On the other hand, 'from my heart' is used to convey sincerity or genuine feelings when expressing something.

Last Updated: March 28, 2024

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