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in case vs lest

A complete search of the internet has found that "lest" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: September 28, 2015 • 2333 views

in case

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29,600,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • Elyse Saugstad, a professional skier, wore a backpack equipped with an air bag, a relatively new and expensive part of the arsenal that backcountry users increasingly carry to ease their minds and increase survival odds in case of an ...
  • in case. star. see definition of in case ... Synonyms for in case. conj as long as; with the understanding ... All members of the ski patrol wear one as well, in case they get caught in an avalanche while working. Never put your hands into ...
  • In such frameworks, nouns in English have Case even in the absence of inflectional case endings. Idioms: in any case. Regardless of what has occurred or will occur. in case. 1. If it happens that; if. 2. As a precaution: took along an umbrella, ...
  • Mar 18, 2014 ... In case You don't find what you're looking for In case You're missing what you had before In case You ... in case going out to cambam who left me to be with kid. i no he will be back iam pregnant nicolesheehan@gmail.com .


4,020,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • lest」を含む例文一覧. 該当件数 : 343件. Confine your tongue, lest it confine you. 口は災いのもと. - 研究社 新和英中辞典. I'm anxious lest he (should) fail. 彼が失敗 しないか心配だ. - 研究社 新英和中辞典. Take care lest you should fall. 落ちないよう に ...
  • for fear that; so that (one) should not (used negatively to introduce a clause expressive of an action or occurrence requiring caution): He kept his notes by his side lest faulty memory lead him astray. 2. that (used after words expressing fear,  ...
  • lest. for fear that; in case; so that . . . not: speak low lest you be overheard; Archaic that: used only after a word or words expressing fear: afraid lest he should fail us. Origin of lest. Middle English leste ; from Old English the læste ; from thy læs ...
  • for fear that. —used when you are saying something in order to prevent something from happening. Is It 'Attorney Generals' Or 'Attorneys General'? » Full Definition of LEST. : for fear that —often used after an expression denoting fear or  ...

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