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in business functional areas vs in areas of functional business

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'In business functional areas' refers to the functional areas within a business context, while 'in areas of functional business' suggests areas within a business that are functional. The choice between them depends on the specific context you want to convey.

Last updated: March 25, 2024 • 563 views

in business functional areas

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to refer to the functional areas within a business context.
  • The innovative urban actions (studies, pilot projects) may also cover functional areas, urban-rural linkages and partnerships.
  • Enclosures should therefore allow for the establishment of separate functional areas by providing either plentiful space or appropriate subdivision of the enclosure area.
  • The subsystem Telematics Applications for passenger services belongs to the functional area and this TSI does not determine any modules for conformity assessment.
  • In other words, we need to target the policy at functional areas.
  • The Baltic Sea Strategy, which we are preparing now, is a good example of what we mean by a functional area.
  • It is a functional area focusing on common development goals and problems, with certain common features and geographical determinants.
  • The added value will be gained through working with local and regional authorities, wider functional areas, sharing a land or sea area or thematic challenge across two or more Member States.
  • The separation of monetary policy and the supervisory function shall not exclude the exchange between these two functional areas of the information necessary for the achievement of ECB and ESCB tasks.
  • Owing to its extent and complexity the rail system has been broken down into subsystems related to either structural or functional areas (Article 2(e)).
  • It is included in the functional area of the list in Annex II to Directive 2008/57/EC.
  • The separation of monetary policy and the supervisory function shall not exclude the exchange between these two functional areas of the information necessary for the achievement of ECB and ESCB tasks.
  • Use of ERP software package to share information on sales and/or purchases with other internal functional areas (for example, finance, planning, marketing, etc.)
  • use of ERP software package to share information on sales and/or purchases with other internal functional areas (for example, finance, planning, marketing),
  • use of an ERP (Enterprise Resource Planning) software package to share information between different functional areas,
  • For the purposes of paragraphs 1 and 2, the ECB shall adopt and make public any necessary internal rules, including rules regarding professional secrecy and information exchanges between the two functional areas.
  • The specifics of the construction envisaged inside the Grossmarkthalle were elaborated in further detail, especially with regard to fire and safety requirements, as well as the structural elements of the functional areas within the hall.
  • Priority 5: Further improvements in business services statistics.
  • Surprised that place is still in business.
  • It's in business to make a profit.
  • This type of guarantee is conventional in business sale contracts.


  • in functional areas of business
  • within business functional areas
  • within the functional areas of a business
  • in the business's functional areas
  • within the business's functional areas

in areas of functional business

This phrase is correct but less commonly used in English.

This phrase suggests areas within a business that are functional.
  • Legal certainty for citizens in areas such as marriage and divorce, which often involve highly emotional issues, is increasingly important in areas of policy.
  • in areas of public interest, its
  • Air quality standards in areas of heavy traffic
  • Safety of public buildings in areas of high seismic risk
  • Both focused on Parliament's role in areas of common interest such as data transfer and the wider fight against terrorism.
  • The European Community and the Russian Federation are pursuing specific research programmes in areas of common interest.
  • Moreover, these refineries are located in areas of high consumption.
  • Recently, new textile factories have closed in areas of Greece such as Corinth, Thessaloniki and Thrace.
  • The Schengen and eurozone systems showed this could be practical even in areas of great importance and complexity.
  • This is particularly the case in areas of the south-west of Ireland.
  • The Commission can consider issues related to fundamental rights only in areas of Community competence.
  • Strategic international cooperation initiatives will be pursued in areas of mutual interest and benefit with leading partner countries.
  • Special protection measures must first be applied in areas of higher seismic risk.
  • An EU 2020 strategy focused on innovation in areas of existing expertise...
  • The 7th Framework Programme offers new research opportunities to prevent the development of diabetes and has financed so far several projects in the area of labelling, promotion of healthy eating habits and development of functional foods (EU contribution: EUR 7 million).
  • Implementing legislation may be extensive and detailed in areas of merely technical interest, but short and scarce in areas affecting decisively the lives of citizens.
  • The areas of activity that were singled out as priorities worthy of attention were control of resources and services for women, particularly in areas of education, employment, and political decision making.
  • On that basis, Poland is in favour of extending the vote by qualified majority (including in the area of external affairs) but defends the unanimity principle in areas of particular importance to Member States.
  • Growth will be in areas of key concern for the Union:
  • New systems and services in areas of public interest


  • in functional areas of business
  • within functional areas of business
  • within the functional areas of a business
  • in the business's functional areas
  • within the business's functional areas

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