Which is correct:
"improved by" or "improved with"?

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improved by

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the agent or cause of improvement.

Use 'improved by' to indicate the person, thing, or process that caused the improvement in something.


  • The performance of the team was improved by the new training program.
  • The flavor of the dish was improved by adding fresh herbs.
  • The appearance of the room was improved by painting the walls.
  • The efficiency of the process was improved by implementing new technology.
  • The health of the patient was improved by the medication.


  • enhanced by
  • boosted by
  • upgraded by
  • amplified by
  • elevated by

improved with

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to indicate the means or tools used for improvement.

Use 'improved with' to show the tools, methods, or resources used to bring about improvement in something.


  • The cake was improved with the addition of fresh berries.
  • The garden was improved with new landscaping features.
  • The presentation was improved with better visuals.
  • The performance was improved with the use of advanced technology.
  • The essay was improved with thorough editing.


  • enhanced with
  • boosted with
  • upgraded with
  • amplified with
  • elevated with
Both 'improved by' and 'improved with' are correct phrases, but they are used in different contexts. 'Improved by' is typically used to indicate the agent or cause of improvement, while 'improved with' is used to show the means or tools used for improvement.

Last updated: March 23, 2024

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