I would be very grateful or it would be greatly appreciated?

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I would be very grateful

This phrase is correct.

Adding "I would be very grateful" to a request stresses how thankful you will feel if the request is granted.

"I would be grateful" is already a strong expression of thanks, so "very" is okay to use, but it isn't required.

Since this is a strong expression, it's typically only used when you're asking for a major favor. It would sound too intense when making an everyday request.

Some examples from our editors:

  • I would be very grateful if you would give me feedback on my dissertation.
  • I told Judge Robinson that I would be very grateful if he would give me a second chance.
  • I would be very grateful if you would take care of my children while I am on my business trip.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • I would be grateful
  • I would be very appreciative

it would be greatly appreciated

This phrase is not correct. Don't use it.

Sometimes, English speakers will add "it would be greatly appreciated" to a request to try to make it sound polite. This makes the request sound long and complicated.

It's better to make a direct but polite request. "Could you please ________?" is one possible way to do this.

Some alternatives from our editors:

  • Could you please _______?
  • Would you be able to ________?
  • Can you please help me with this?
"I would be very grateful" emphasizes your feelings of thankfulness.
"It would be greatly appreciated" is grammatically okay, but it's unnecessarily complicated.
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Explained by Betsy
Editor at TextRanch

Last updated: March 20, 2019

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