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I will provide you a lot of fun vs I will provide you with a lot of fun

The correct phrase is "I will provide you with a lot of fun." The preposition "with" is needed to link the verb "provide" with the object "a lot of fun." Without the preposition, the sentence would be incomplete.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1041 views

I will provide you a lot of fun

This phrase is incorrect. The preposition "with" is needed to correctly link the verb "provide" with the object "a lot of fun."

The correct phrase is "I will provide you with a lot of fun." Use the preposition "with" to connect the verb and the object.
  • As a matter of fact, have a lot of fun and I will live vicariously through you.
  • This will save you a lot of trouble.
  • I could probably teach you a lot of things, child.
  • That face and body, gets you a lot of store credit.
  • I could call you a lot of things.
  • It must have caused you a lot of inconvenience.
  • I'll bet they've brought you a lot of pleasure.
  • I'll show you a lot of things.
  • Being with Mr Morton's done you a lot of good.
  • I can save you a lot of time.
  • She must have bought you a lot of stuff.
  • I'm prepared to offer you a lot of money to assist me.
  • - That accent's doing you a lot of favors.
  • I'm just trying to save you a lot of disappointment.
  • We're offering you a lot of money to leave.
  • I saved you a lot of hassle.
  • Sure save you a lot of looking.
  • Your mother teaches you a lot of style.
  • We've given you a lot of leeway.
  • I bet you a lot of trouble with the law.


  • I will provide you with a lot of entertainment.
  • I will give you a lot of fun.
  • I will offer you a lot of enjoyment.
  • I will supply you with a lot of amusement.
  • I will furnish you with a lot of pleasure.

I will provide you with a lot of fun

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

Use this phrase when you want to express that you will give someone a great deal of enjoyment or amusement.


  • I will provide you with a lot of fun activities during the weekend.
  • The party planner promised to provide us with a lot of fun games.
  • The resort will provide you with a lot of fun water sports.
  • The event organizer will provide you with a lot of fun entertainment options.
  • The teacher will provide the students with a lot of fun learning experiences.
  • I can, of course, provide you with a lot of numbers if needed.
  • The Douglas family sure provides you with a lot of business.
  • And I firmly believe that studying the way nature solves problems will provide a lot of the solutions.
  • He came to see you with a lot of money and now he's disappeared.
  • Dosed you with a lot of junk the last couple days, but you still won't talk.
  • I've always really wanted to do things like that with you with a lot of people around.
  • I can help you with a lot of stuff, kid.
  • I don't want you forgetting that oil company provides a lot of revenue and a lot of jobs in this county.
  • Before leaving, however, I want you to know... ...that his Holiness follows you with a lot of affection.
  • First, I provide for a lot of people, including Jamaal.
  • We already provide a lot of support to the agencies and I think expectations and responsibilities must be clarified, in particular before new agencies are created.
  • The pharmaceutical industry also provides a lot of jobs in Europe.
  • This is a decentralized system which provides a lot of local influence, which is good.
  • These sugar palms turn out to be fire-resistant - also flood-resistant, by the way - and they provide a lot of income for local people.
  • and they provide a lot of income for local people.
  • And you, were you with a lot of guys?
  • But you realize you resubmit yourself to losing control in a really wonderful way, which we think provides a lot of meaning to our lives and is quite gratifying.
  • The value of the past also comes alive; it provides a lot of company.
  • & latex; is a rather sophisticated system, where the basic features can be expanded by a great variety of additional packages. & kile; provides a lot of different help to support the user.
  • So building clean government means, yes, provide money to the budget, but also provide a lot of scrutiny, which means a lot of technical assistance that follows the money.


  • I will give you a lot of fun.
  • I will offer you a lot of fun.
  • I will supply you with a lot of fun.
  • I will furnish you with a lot of fun.
  • I will present you with a lot of fun.

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