Which one is correct?
"I have lost interest in you" or "I lost interest in you"?

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I have lost interest in you

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a present result of a past action of losing interest in someone.

This phrase is used to convey that the loss of interest happened at an unspecified time in the past and the result is still relevant in the present. It is a present perfect tense construction.


  • I have lost interest in you, so I think we should break up.
  • She has lost interest in him, and now they barely talk.
  • They have lost interest in the project, so they are looking for something new to work on.


  • I am no longer interested in you.
  • My interest in you has disappeared.
  • I have become disinterested in you.
  • I no longer find you interesting.
  • I have stopped being interested in you.

I lost interest in you

This phrase is correct and commonly used to express a past action of losing interest in someone.

This phrase is used to convey that at some point in the past, you lost interest in the person. It is a simple past tense construction.


  • I lost interest in you a long time ago.
  • She lost interest in him after he lied to her.
  • They lost interest in the project due to lack of funding.


  • I stopped being interested in you.
  • My interest in you faded away.
  • I grew tired of you.
  • I became disinterested in you.
  • I no longer found you interesting.
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "I lost interest in you" is used to express a past action, while "I have lost interest in you" is used to express a present result of a past action. The choice between them depends on the specific timing you want to convey.

Last Updated: March 24, 2024

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