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I lied down vs I layed down

Both phrases are incorrect. The correct form is "I lay down." The confusion may arise from the past tense forms of the verbs "lie" and "lay."

Last updated: March 30, 2024 • 1694 views

I lied down

This phrase is incorrect. The correct form is "I lay down."

The correct form is "I lay down" when referring to reclining or resting in a horizontal position.
  • I'm going to lie down, I lied down for 30 minutes, go lie down, let sleeping dogs lie, it was just lying there. Technically only your first version is ...
  • Feb 26, 2019 ... I had been using “I lied down,” instead of “I lay down,” because I thought “lay” needed an object. I had no idea that “lay” is the past ...
  • Mar 29, 2019 ... Is "I lied down" correct in *any* version of the English language? Because the alternative often sounds wrong to me, e.g. "He lay back down ...
  • The person is saying “I lied down in my sleeping bag, I lied there.” Is this the spelling I should use or “lyed”? Neither seems right but, as I said, ...
  • May 11, 2015 ... "I used to love falling asleep listening to the vacuum cleaner -- white noise," said Cromer, recounting a childhood memory. "I lied down. The ...
  • Aug 25, 2016 ... “So I lied down on the floor, playing dead. I could feel shattered glasses piercing into my back and I was bleeding.
  • Oct 11, 2019 ... ... on my back (I was topless in it), so I just had on these kind of linen shorts and I lied down and I waited to be pulled onto the stage.
  • I lied down in the road and spun around in a circle, shooting this scene from every angle. I wanted my camera to memorize this.


  • I lay down

I layed down

This phrase is incorrect. The correct form is "I lay down."

The correct form is "I lay down" when referring to reclining or resting in a horizontal position.


  • I lay down

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