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i have sent a mail vs i have sent mail

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'I have sent a mail' is used when referring to a specific email that has been sent, while 'I have sent mail' is used when talking about sending emails in general without specifying a particular one.

Last updated: March 24, 2024 • 1014 views

i have sent a mail

This phrase is correct and commonly used when referring to a specific email that has been sent.

This phrase is used when you want to specify that a particular email has been sent. It is more specific than the alternative phrase.


  • I have sent a mail to the client with the updated report.
  • She confirmed that she has sent a mail to the team regarding the meeting.
  • i have sent a mail
  • On your behalf I have sent a message of condolence to his widow.
  • I have sent a copy of myself on its memory.
  • I have sent a letter in his name to The Chronicle that he cannot pay his wife's debts.
  • So I have sent a letter to the Maltese authorities and the Foreign Minister will visit us tomorrow.
  • Mr Bonde and I have sent a protocol to protect Member State economies from Laval to the Slovenian Presidency and our respective prime ministers for inclusion in the European Summit tomorrow.
  • Therefore I have sent a message of far-reaching importance to the Congress...
  • I have sent a reservation and I do not get a response for days.
  • I have sent a copy of the letter to a number of Members and I will ensure that a copy is sent to you.
  • She wrote: I would respectfully point out that I have sent a single email to you - I don't understand how that counts as bombarding .
  • 13 Now I have sent a skillful man, endowed with understanding, of Huram my father's,
  • I have explained this to Mr Danet, Secretary-General of the World Customs Organisation. I have sent a note to Mr Mandelson.
  • To such purpose, past Wednesday I have sent a report on the course of the traffics to the president of the Region, praying it to hold weever the attention on this particularly difficult moment .
  • On behalf of the House, I have sent a message of our deepest sympathy to the families of the victims and wishes for the prompt recovery of those injured in the attack.
  • I would like to inform you that I have sent a letter to the First Minister and Deputy First Minister to congratulate them.
  • 7 And I have sent a cleaning wind on them in the public places of the land; I have taken their children from them; I have given my people to destruction; they have not been turned from their ways.
  • "I have sent a letter to Martin Schulz and Jean-Claude Juncker, the candidates for the post of Commission president from the two main European political families, to ask them to create this new post if they are elected as president of the Commission."
  • I have sent a request to silence the press.
  • I have sent a distress call to the Peacekeeper Carrier that passed through here earlier.
  • President Pottering said: I would like to inform you that I have sent a letter to the Prime Minister and the Deputy Prime Minister to congratulate them.
  • I have sent you a dozen messages in the past week.


  • I have sent an email
  • I have sent a message
  • I have sent a letter
  • I have sent a communication
  • I have sent a correspondence

i have sent mail

This phrase is correct and commonly used when talking about sending emails in general without specifying a particular one.

This phrase is more general and is used when referring to the action of sending emails without focusing on a specific email that was sent.


  • I have sent mail to all the participants of the workshop.
  • He mentioned that he has sent mail to the entire department.
  • Collection to dump sent mail into.
  • Critical error: Unable to process sent mail (out of space?)Moving failing message to "sent-mail" folder.
  • Invalid sent-mail folder. Keeping message in outbox.
  • The custom sent-mail folder for identity"%1" does not exist (anymore); therefore, the default sent-mail folder will be used.
  • If unchecked, messages will always be stored unencrypted in your sent-mail folder, even if they are sent encrypted.
  • Geary encountered an error saving a sent message to Sent Mail. The message will stay in your Outbox folder until you delete it.
  • No Sent mail folder - & mailody; stores sent messages alongside the message replied or in the currently selected folder if not replying.
  • I need the name and address of every person he's called, visited, or sent mail to the last 72 hours.
  • Some others have sent e-mails and provided quick information informally.
  • Check this option if you want replies you write to mails in this folder to be put in this same folder after sending, instead of in the configured sent-mail folder.
  • If checked, messages are stored in your sent-mail folder just as you sent them (ie; if they were encrypted, they are also stored that way).
  • Check Keep replies in this folder if you want replies to messages in this folder to be filed also into this folder rather than into a special sent-mail folder.
  • Otherwise they wouldn't have sent an e-mail to everyone.
  • Whoever stole it must have sent the e-mail.
  • What is even more disappointing is that the Quaestors have sent an e-mail to all Members urging them to vote for this.
  • Whether after sending an email to store a copy in KMail's sent-mail folder. Only applies when sendmail is selected as the email client.
  • You know I would have sent you 300 e-mails back if I could.
  • He may not have sent the e-mail. KALINDA:
  • Toby, if he didn't know anything, he wouldn't have sent the e-mail.
  • You shouldn't have sent that e-mail, Moss!


  • I have sent emails
  • I have sent messages
  • I have sent letters
  • I have sent communications
  • I have sent correspondences

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