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I have been told different vs I have been told

Both phrases are correct, but they have slightly different meanings. 'I have been told different' implies that you have been informed about something that is different from what was previously mentioned or expected. On the other hand, 'I have been told' simply indicates that you have received information from someone. The choice between the two depends on the specific context and the intended message.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1003 views

I have been told different

This phrase is correct and can be used to indicate that the information received is different from what was expected or previously mentioned.

This phrase is used when you want to convey that the information you received is not in line with what you were anticipating or what was previously communicated.


  • I have been told different about the schedule for tomorrow.
  • She said the movie was boring, but I have been told different by others.
  • He thought the project was canceled, but I have been told different by the manager.
  • They believed the restaurant was closed, but I have been told different by the owner.
  • The news anchor reported one version of events, but I have been told different by a witness.
  • Nov 18, 2018 ... I have been told different numbers by different doctors ranging from 3000 to 5500 grafts. My donor area is good so I do not attach a photo.
  • 5 days ago ... ... I have been told different things: I got told it needed to MP3 and put in a document in the Kindle document section and that didn't show and ...
  • Jul 1, 2017 ... Again I have been told different things such as it would work and that it would not. I use a KVM switch between 2 computers and that uses a ...
  • Aug 3, 2024 ... Wait around 30 days for a response & I'm denied again. I have been told different things each and every time speak with someone, just about ...
  • Dec 27, 2023 ... I have been told different options to use, such as python, the output tool, the dynamic rename tool, but I'm not sure which one of these, if ...
  • Aug 31, 2023 ... I have been told different things so please could someone tell me what's best to bring money wise does everywhere take card it is the ...
  • Mar 1, 2016 ... Hi there, I have been told different things by different people. I sold my mineral rights in Texas and there was no 1099.
  • Sep 17, 2013 ... A very simple question but I have been told different things by different people and wanted to see what the consensus is from the community.
  • Aug 19, 2023 ... Ok - from the looks of it, I'm not the only one with key fob issues - but I have been told different stories. Here's the story: Brought my ...
  • Oct 27, 2024 ... I have been told different things by different doctors: GI said to take both for 6 months, another doctor told me to only take Florastor and ...


  • I have been told something different
  • I have received conflicting information
  • I have been informed otherwise
  • I have heard a different story
  • I have been given a different account

I have been told

This phrase is correct and simply indicates that you have received information from someone.

This phrase is used to convey that you have been informed about something by another person.


  • I have been told you are looking for me.
  • She has been told about the changes in the schedule.
  • He has been told to prepare for the meeting.
  • They have been told to expect delays in the delivery.
  • The students have been told to submit their assignments by Friday.
  • Again, I have been told.
  • I have been told that there must be something we can do.
  • I have been told it might explode.
  • And I have been told that these are the people responsible.
  • I have been told that the radio carries traffic reports.
  • I have been told it is only 79% accurate.
  • There are beauteous women in Naples, I have been told.
  • There are beauteous women in Naples, I have been told.
  • I have been told that big construction companies are now having to be called in.
  • I have been told that I am only allowed to take two speakers.
  • Mrs Sinclaire, I have been told that your staff did not notify your speaking time.
  • I have been told that the Pakistan government would be making suitable efforts.
  • Sir, I have been told you called off the FBI search for Rowan.
  • I have been told a former member still works at the heart of IN6.
  • I have been told it was more than an hour.
  • And I have been told that my s'mores are the standard by which all other s'mores are measured.
  • Jack, I have been told that you were exposed to the pathogen.
  • Now, I have been told that the Priory wishes to hire Elfric to replace Merthin.
  • I have been told that talks were held with the Commission with a view to studying measures to restructure the Spanish fishing fleet in Moroccan waters.
  • Mr President, I have been told that the page must be turned. I am turning it.


  • I was informed
  • I was advised
  • I was given information
  • I was made aware
  • I was notified

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