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i did vs I do

Both "I did" and "I do" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "I did" is the past tense of the verb "to do" and is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past. "I do" is the present tense and is used to talk about actions that are currently happening or are habitual.

Last updated: March 22, 2024 • 1074 views

i did

This phrase is correct as the past tense of the verb "to do." It is used to talk about actions that were completed in the past.

Use "I did" when referring to actions that were completed in the past. For example, "Yesterday, I did my homework."


  • I did my laundry yesterday.
  • She did a great job on the project.
  • They did their best to help.
  • He did his homework before dinner.
  • We did everything we could to prepare.
  • I'm not worried About what i did.
  • I could not legally do other than i did.
  • This kid had a lot more to hide Than i did.
  • But I can tell you two will take care of him as well as i did.
  • I totally regret what i did... to Bitou.
  • (Claire) i did, and she said to ask you.
  • So sorry, s., i did what i had to do... again.
  • Yesterday i did blow up two guys in the middle of the desert.
  • There's no hits on the prints at all, But i did what sir derek there asked And i created a paper trail.
  • And you've proven yourself to be an honorable man and what i did, it was not... Honorable.
  • You know, despite what i did... sending zach away, I want you two to connect.
  • Sometimes they would know more than i did, 'Cause they had, you know, researched so much.
  • Let me tell you why i did this. I know why.
  • The things I see here, they tied to what i did.
  • I can't even count the funerals that i did, you know?
  • If you go through with this, you'll end up pathetic like i did!
  • and because you're the only man in this town who could understand why I had to do what i did.
  • If it were true, how could I have put up with Gertrude like i did?
  • See, now you see why I did what i did, man.
  • You can tell me why I did the things i did?


  • I completed
  • I finished
  • I performed
  • I accomplished
  • I executed

I do

This phrase is correct as the present tense of the verb "to do." It is used to talk about actions that are currently happening or are habitual.

Use "I do" when referring to actions that are currently happening or are habitual. For example, "I do my homework every day."


  • I do yoga in the morning.
  • She does her best at work.
  • They do their chores every weekend.
  • He does his homework after school.
  • We do our best to stay healthy.
  • I do one vermin-toothed delivery a year.
  • What I do is not define myself by what I do.
  • I do grasp the time-space continuum, yes.
  • I do what I do, because it's right.
  • I just want to remind you that everything I do, I do out of love of my family, to protect them from all evil and danger.
  • Okay, I need to keep romantically what I do here separate from what I do professionally out there.
  • And then suddenly I do again.
  • Studying human behavior is what I do.
  • I do health inspections of hotel restaurants.
  • I do remember something about Jack.
  • Maybe I do need that ankle bracelet.
  • I do many substantial, life-changing surgeries.
  • Look, anything I do backfires.
  • The only backstabbing I do now is...
  • I do have information about Christy.
  • Nobody knows Serenity like I do.
  • Yes, I do. I do with all my heart.
  • What I do I do for the benefit of all of us and because it must be done.
  • Everything I do, I do for this family...
  • I do. I do think I'm very clever.


  • I am doing
  • I perform
  • I execute
  • I undertake
  • I engage in

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