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I am in market vs i am at market

A complete search of the internet has found that "I am in market" is the most popular phrase on the web.

Last updated: August 19, 2016 • 18401 views

I am in market

More popular!

191,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • I am in the market for a backup mistress.
  • I am not in the market for a one-dollar solid gold watch.
  • Here I am in particular thinking about market practices.
  • In that respect, although I am in favour of internal market regulation, I believe that the exceptional nature of the crisis justifies exceptional countermeasures.
  • However, I would like to say I am in favour of retaining partial intervention in agricultural markets in difficult is not inconsistent with free market principles.
  • I am all for the free market and can support any proposal that is market-orientated.
  • I am at an extravagant flea market with Mark Ruffalo.
  • I Am Not Officially Back On The Market.
  • I am in favour of the sugar market being self-supporting.
  • Finally, I am concerned that open markets and global integration are becoming a substitute for development policies.
  • I am greatly in favour of opening up this fossilised market.
  • Mr President, I am the European Parliament's rapporteur on the market abuse directive.
  • I am referring to the regulation of the public markets and to subsidies.
  • I am talking about labour market and pension reforms.
  • I am in favour of unrestricted trade in waste within the common market.
  • I am currently preparing a report on the regulation concerning the introduction of construction products to the market.
  • Secondly, I am apprehensive about the proposal to introduce a prior market test conducted by an independent supervisor.
  • Now I am all for free markets; protectionism does not work.
  • I am going to highlight one objective: the internal market.
  • Obviously, I am not saying we are already operating in such a market.

i am at market

111,000 results on the web

Some examples from the web:

  • I am at an extravagant flea market with Mark Ruffalo.
  • Investees will receive equity financing from private investors at market conditions.
  • GDP is valued at market prices.
  • Portfolio investment transactions and positions are valued at market prices.
  • 6. Costs must be assessed at market prices.
  • My husband is at market on business concerning you.
  • Germany claims that both measures were provided at market conditions.
  • Such contributions shall be calculated at market rates.
  • These syndicates concentrated on selling chicory at markets further afield in Belgium, and abroad.
  • Personnel handling animals at markets would have to receive the necessary training.
  • The willing seller is motivated to sell the investment property at market terms for the best price obtainable.
  • Gross national income at market prices 15.
  • Average hourly compensations in US dollars- evaluated at market exchange rates for production workers in manufacturing in 2002.
  • In the morning, at market opening.
  • If delivery does take place, the purchase or sale entry shall be made at market price. 4.
  • both translated at market foreign exchange rate
  • Costs associated with the destruction of contaminated equipment, at market value.
  • These goods should be measured at market value on an f.o.b. basis.
  • Upon request, user rights had to be granted at market rates.
  • General merchandise should be measured at market value on a free on board (FOB) basis.

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