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i am a teacher vs i'm a teacher

Both phrases are correct, but "i'm a teacher" is more commonly used in spoken English due to its contraction of "I am." Both phrases convey the same meaning, with the contraction being a more informal and natural way of expressing the statement.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 216 views

i am a teacher

This phrase is grammatically correct but less commonly used in spoken English.

This phrase is a simple statement to describe one's profession. It is grammatically correct but may sound more formal compared to the contracted form.


  • I am a teacher
  • I work as a teacher

i'm a teacher

This phrase is commonly used in spoken English as a contraction of "I am."

This phrase is a casual and common way to state one's profession. The contraction "I'm" is frequently used in everyday conversations.
  • I'm a teacher in a bathroom with a student.
  • I'm a teacher and swim coach at Sheldon High.
  • I'm a teacher, and something of a scholar.
  • A madrasah is a place of learning, Bobby, and I'm a teacher.
  • See, normally I'm a teacher here.
  • When I'm not fighting for my country, I'm a teacher.
  • I'm a teacher now, Charlie.
  • Now that I'm a teacher I will be taking summers off.
  • The only real thing here is that I'm a teacher who loves her job.
  • I'm not an actress, I'm a teacher...
  • I'm a teacher, you know, a Norwegian teacher.
  • I have a job. I'm a teacher now, so I got to get back to inspiring some students.
  • I'm a teacher and I'm proud of it.
  • I'm a teacher and a leader, you just... never let me be that but now I know I am, I know who I am.
  • See, I'm a teacher...
  • I'm a teacher, too.
  • Okay, I'm a teacher.
  • I'm a teacher.
  • But I'm a teacher here.


  • I am a teacher
  • I work as a teacher

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