Which is correct:
"how to keep your goal clean" or "how to keep your goal "?

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how to keep your goal clean

This phrase is correct and commonly used to refer to maintaining a goal in a clear and organized manner.

This phrase is used to inquire about the methods or strategies to maintain a goal in a neat, organized, and efficient way.


  • Can you share some tips on how to keep your goal clean?
  • One of the keys to success is knowing how to keep your goal clean and focused.
  • Maintaining a clean goal requires dedication and consistency.
  • The workshop will focus on strategies to keep your goal clean and achievable.
  • She always sets clear objectives and knows how to keep her goal clean throughout the process.


  • how to maintain your goal effectively
  • how to achieve your goal efficiently
  • how to keep your goal on track
  • how to set and maintain your goal
  • how to reach your goal successfully

how to keep your goal

This phrase is incomplete and lacks specificity. It does not convey a clear meaning or purpose.

The phrase 'how to keep your goal clean' is correct and commonly used, while 'how to keep your goal' is incomplete. The word 'clean' in the first phrase adds clarity and specificity to the goal maintenance process.

Last updated: March 20, 2024

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