Which one is correct?
"how time passes" or "how the time passes"?

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how time passes

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English.

This phrase is used to talk about the general passage of time or the way time progresses.


  • It's amazing how time passes when you're having fun.
  • I often think about how time passes so quickly.
  • She reflected on how time passes and things change.
  • We don't notice how time passes until we look back.
  • The book explores how time passes in different cultures.


  • how time flies
  • how time moves on
  • how time goes by
  • how time marches on
  • how time elapses

how the time passes

This phrase is correct but used in a more specific context.

This phrase is used when referring to a specific period or instance of time passing.


  • I observed how the time passes during the meeting.
  • She noticed how the time passes when she's with her friends.
  • He wondered how the time passes during his daily commute.
  • We discussed how the time passes during our vacation.
  • The teacher explained how the time passes during the exam.


  • how time passes
  • how time elapses
  • how time progresses
  • how time moves on
  • how time goes by
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'How time passes' is a more general and common expression, while 'How the time passes' is used when referring to a specific period or instance of time.

Last Updated: March 26, 2024

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