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how long does it last vs how long will it last

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in slightly different contexts. 'How long does it last?' is used to inquire about the duration of something in the present or habitual sense. 'How long will it last?' is used to ask about the future duration of something. The choice between them depends on whether you are referring to the present or the future.

Last updated: March 19, 2024 • 3145 views

how long does it last

This phrase is correct and commonly used to inquire about the duration of something in the present or habitual sense.

This phrase is used to ask about the duration of something that is currently happening or that happens regularly.
  • Oct 9, 2012 ... How Long Does It Last? A Printable Guide to Fresh Produce I go grocery shopping on Saturdays or Sundays. When I'm figuring out the menu ...
  • Rutabagas. Shallots. Spaghetti Squash. Sunchokes. Sweet Potatoes. Tomatillos. Turnips. HOW LONG DOES IT LAST? Copyright© 2012 Oh My Veggies.
  • Meat in the Refrigerator: How Long Does It Last? Mar 10, 2010. By Diane Van, USDA's Food Safety and Inspection Service. On behalf of everyone in ...
  • training begin, and how long does it last? swiss.com. swiss.com. Wann beginnt die Ausbildung zum Cabin. [...] Crew Member und wielang dauert sie? swiss.com .


  • how long is it lasting
  • how long has it been lasting
  • how long has it lasted
  • how long has it been going on
  • how long has it been happening

how long will it last

This phrase is correct and commonly used to ask about the future duration of something.

This phrase is used to inquire about how long something will continue in the future.
  • "How Long Will It Last". I know this piece of string ties us together. But will it ever break in two? I don't believe what they say is true that nothing lives forever
  • (How long, how long, how long, will it last, baby?) [Bun B:] See I was born in the ghetto manye I was raised in the hood. And unless you lived it yourself, it just ...
  • Crash: How Long Will It Last? In the second half of this special two-part Dispatches, economist and author Will Hutton continues the definitive insider's account of ...
  • Nov 2, 2015 ... Why is it so foggy and how long will it last? Rain last week and now a high pressure system over Britain mean conditions have been perfect for ...


  • how long is it going to last
  • how long will it go on
  • how long will it continue
  • how long will it endure
  • how long will it persist

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