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How late you are open? vs What time you gonna close?

Both phrases are incorrect in terms of standard English grammar. The correct way to ask about the closing time of a place would be "What time do you close?". The first phrase has a word order issue, and the second phrase uses informal language and lacks proper grammar.

Last updated: April 01, 2024 • 1068 views

How late you are open?

This phrase is not correct in English. The word order is incorrect.

The correct way to ask about the closing time of a place is to use the question word 'what' and the verb 'are' in the correct order. For example, 'What time are you open until?'
  • Jun 4, 2021 ... Brooke Mokolade. Yes following on how late you are open? 3 yrs. Shea Pearman Haselhorst. Will you be open on Sunday? 3 yrs. Boz's Berry Farm LLC.
  • Jan 7, 2023 ... Depends on how late you are open but you can always adjust to busy times and slow times! 1.3K views ·. View upvotes.
  • Morgan KayLynn Odell. How late are you opened? · 6:00 ; Katie Holderfield. How late you are open for tanning? · 6:00 ; Nicole McDaniel. Tanning prices?
  • Oct 15, 2021 ... Where You Need Lighting. It doesn't really matter what kind of business you have, where you are located, or how late you are open. Your business ...
  • Jul 3, 2018 ... For example, if you own a restaurant, provide details on: the type of cuisine you serve, how late you are open, if it is a family friendly ...
  • 8 mos. Bianca de Beer. Hi please may you let me know until how late you are open on Sunday the 24th of March. 8 mos. EDURA. Bianca de Beer 1.30pm. 8 mos. Bianca ...
  • Jun 5, 2023 ... When someone wants to learn how late you are open or what your phone number is, they go right to a directory listing. It's also important to ...
  • May 4, 2012 ... Evaluate How Late You Are Open and How Many Employees You Have. The holiday season may call for gift shop managers to keep their ...
  • I am not sure how late you are open to renting or you can deliver at our hotel. Thanks Kam. Reply. Kyle Thomas says: July 5, 2017 at 10:23 am. Hi Kam,. We do ...


  • What time are you open until?

What time you gonna close?

This phrase is not correct in English. It uses informal language and lacks proper grammar.

To ask about the closing time of a place, it is better to use the question word 'what' followed by the auxiliary verb 'do' and the main verb 'close'. For example, 'What time do you close?'
  • What time you gonna be home?
  • What time you gonna pick me up?
  • So, what time you gonna be picking me up tomorrow?
  • What time you gonna bring 'em back today?
  • They're not gonna close a deal in time.
  • I am gonna close the lid, but you can get out at any time.
  • I'm gonna close this show with one of these new songs. well, okay, but I don't know if this is the right time.
  • If we're going to be able to put these creatures back through the anomalies every time, we've got to be able to figure out when they're gonna close.
  • Oh, next time a commercial comes on, I'm gonna close my eyes, cover my ears and scream as loud as I can.
  • And when it comes to sound effects, well, they are mostly there with the objective of making people laugh than anything else... So either you'll laugh, either you gonna close your speakers for this reason...
  • First tell me what time you'll be escaping.
  • Let me know what time you'll be home.
  • I wondered what time you thought you were going to arrive.
  • Just wondering what time you'll be home for dinner.
  • I don't care what time you finish.
  • Depends what time you get here, Linda.
  • Waiting to see what time you get off.
  • Wondering what time you're finishing up today.
  • I wasn't sure what time you'd be arriving.
  • What time you meeting your solicitor?


  • What time do you close?

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