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How is that relative vs How does that have any relation

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'How is that relative?' is commonly used when asking about the relevance or connection of something to a particular topic or situation. On the other hand, 'How does that have any relation?' is less common and sounds more formal. It is used to inquire about the existence of a connection between two things.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 803 views

How is that relative

This phrase is correct and commonly used when asking about the relevance or connection of something to a particular topic or situation.

This phrase is used to inquire about the relevance or connection of something to a particular topic or situation. It is a casual way of asking for clarification.


  • I don't understand how that is relative to our discussion.
  • Can you explain how that is relative to the project we are working on?
  • How is that relative to what we were talking about earlier?
  • 39.5k101332519. How is that relative if the answer you expect is not /first/path/ second/path ? – KL-7 Jul 13 '12 at 13:24. add a comment | ...
  • How is that relative to the central div though? Where should I place it? within the div? right after the div? – Hani Honey Jun 17 '11 at 12:47 ...
  • Dec 8, 2014 ... livesoft wrote: How is that relative to your benchmark? :twisted: 70/30 equity/bond benchmark is up +9.9% between Jan 1 and Dec 1. I'm not ...
  • May 31, 2013 ... How is that relative to the Software Defined Data Center (SDDC)? Well, because things are moving so fast! That virtualization infrastructure you ...


  • How does that relate?
  • In what way is that relevant?
  • How does that connect to the topic?
  • What is the connection there?
  • How does that fit in?

How does that have any relation

This phrase is correct but less common. It is used to inquire about the existence of a connection between two things.

This phrase is more formal and is used to ask about the existence of a connection between two things. It is not as commonly used in everyday conversation.


  • How does that have any relation to what we are discussing?
  • I fail to see how that has any relation to the problem at hand.
  • Can you explain how that has any relation to the topic?
  • How does that have any relation to the issue we are addressing?
  • I'm not sure how that has any relation to our goals.
  • May 15, 2015 ... Download on the. App Store · Get it on. Google Play. How does that have any relation to being bipolar? Nobody likes it when people go through ...
  • Apr 25, 2015 ... How does that have any relation to what I said? BJJ guys suck at takedowns unless they cross train. Is that clearer for you? permalink; parent.
  • Join Date: May 2011; Posts: 9; Device(s): Galaxy Nexus, Nexus 7. How does that have any relation to this topic?
  • Jan 24, 2010 ... Ryan Wilson 4 years ago in reply to 1xXXWARPIGXXx1. @1xXXWARPIGXXx1 Okay... How does that have any relation to anything?


  • How is that related?
  • What is the connection there?
  • How does that tie in?
  • In what way is that relevant?
  • How does that connect to the topic?

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