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how do the traffic vs how is the traffic

Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'How do the traffic' is not a complete sentence and does not make sense in English. On the other hand, 'How is the traffic?' is a common and correct way to inquire about the current state of traffic.

Last updated: March 15, 2024 • 1197 views

how do the traffic

This phrase is not correct in English as it is not a complete sentence.

This phrase is not usable in English. It seems like a fragment of a sentence that is missing a verb or a noun.
  • Jan 31, 2015 ... So, how do the traffic lights work and know when to change color? There typically are two types of traffic signals controlling intersections: timed ...
  • Oct 14, 2013 ... Q. How do the traffic signals operate? Are they coordinated? A. As with most Agencies, the City's system implements traffic signal timing plans ...
  • FACT 2: While you are down there, how do the traffic lanes feel? Oily residues from the street and air are drying to the carpet. Slightly sticky, they grab dirt and ...
  • Feb 2, 2012 ... How do the traffic signals know how to keep time with each other? According to Wolfe, all the signals have a GPS clock installed. In the middle ...

how is the traffic

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to inquire about the current state of traffic.

'How is the traffic?' is a common way to ask about the traffic conditions at a specific moment.


  • How is the traffic on the highway?
  • How is the traffic in the city center?
  • How is the traffic flow this morning?
  • How is the traffic looking on your route?
  • How is the traffic situation near the airport?
  • Jan 10, 2015 ... How is the traffic leading to the Pennsylvania Farm Show? Screen Shot 2015-01- 10 at 9.26.35 AM.png. (PennDOT traffic camera). Print Email.
  • Jul 5, 2011 ... Re: How is the traffic in Yellowstone. Jul 06, 2011, 1:23 AM. We were there last summer in late July when the park lodging options were totally ...
  • How is the traffic data collected? The electronic short-term counting is done using a pneumatic tube counter. Tube based counters count axle pairs, which then ...
  • Push the voice button on the steering wheel; Say "Traffic," or "How is the traffic?" The system will prompt you with choices and then list the traffic incidents.

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