Which is correct:
"Homestate" or "Homeland"?

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This term is correct and commonly used to refer to the state where someone was born or has strong ties to.

Use "homestate" when referring to the state where someone was born or has strong connections. It is a personal and specific term.


  • My homestate is California.
  • She always longed to return to her homestate of Texas.
  • He proudly represents his homestate in the Senate.
  • What's your homestate?
  • I have many fond memories of my homestate.


  • state of origin
  • birth state
  • native state
  • home state


This term is correct and commonly used to refer to one's country or place of origin.

Use "homeland" when referring to one's country or place of origin. It has a broader and more patriotic connotation.


  • She always felt a strong connection to her homeland.
  • He returned to his homeland after many years abroad.
  • The refugees longed for their homeland.
  • Protecting the homeland is our top priority.
  • The song celebrates the beauty of the homeland.


  • native land
  • motherland
  • fatherland
  • home country
Both "homestate" and "homeland" are correct, but they are used in different contexts. "Homestate" refers to the state where someone was born or has strong ties to, while "homeland" is a broader term that can refer to one's country or place of origin.

Last updated: March 29, 2024

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