Which one is correct?
"have mostly been" or "have been mostly"?

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have mostly been

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to emphasize that something has been happening predominantly.

This phrase is used to highlight that a particular action or state has been the main occurrence over a period of time. It emphasizes the predominance of the action or state.


  • I have mostly been working from home this year.
  • They have mostly been supportive of our project.
  • She has mostly been absent from the meetings.
  • The weather has mostly been sunny during our vacation.
  • He has mostly been eating healthy food.


  • have mainly been
  • have predominantly been
  • have primarily been
  • have largely been
  • have chiefly been

have been mostly

This phrase is correct and commonly used in English to describe the predominant characteristics or actions of something.

This phrase is used to describe the main characteristics or actions of something. It emphasizes the predominant nature of the characteristics or actions.


  • The students have been mostly quiet during the exam.
  • The city has been mostly peaceful in recent years.
  • The cake has been mostly eaten by the time we arrived.
  • The project has been mostly successful so far.
  • The movie has been mostly well-received by critics.


  • have been mainly
  • have been predominantly
  • have been primarily
  • have been largely
  • have been chiefly
Both phrases are correct, but they are used in different contexts. 'Have mostly been' is used when emphasizing the fact that something has been happening predominantly, while 'have been mostly' is used to describe the predominant characteristics or actions of something.

Last Updated: March 22, 2024

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